在本地图,玩家使用任何一个势力,去操控麾下的拿战时代名人(军政要士、学者或艺术家等)为自己作战时都会感受到:同一英雄人物在该段真实历史时期曾效力过多个势力、多个势力又经常反复争夺同一个欧陆城邦,这在某个意义上已经超越了国家的概念。使用'势力'而不是'国别'来区分本地图的八个颜色将更适合,因为比如'绿色俄国势力',它以沙俄这个国家为主、同时并入了当时仆从于沙俄的普鲁士军队,反映在其可招募英雄的来源上就是除了大部分为沙俄军政人物,还有普鲁士国王及普军将领布吕歇尔;再比如'紫色南美独立阵营',它更是综合了参与拉美革命的来源许多国家的人物,像委内瑞拉的玻利瓦尔,智利的圣马丁。为了方便,才将八个颜色简单地唤作'红色英国'(可招募英雄人物源自联合王国及各殖民地),'蓝色法国'(可招募英雄源自革命法国及效仿它建立的附属共和国如荷兰巴达维亚共和国),'褐色奥地利'(可招募英雄源自神圣罗马帝国各领地),'绿色俄国','橙色西班牙'(可招募英雄源自西班牙本土及美洲各总督区,还有少量葡萄牙籍人物),'紫色南美独立阵营','青色北美大陆军','粉色瑞典'(可招募英雄源自瑞典及丹麦等北欧国家)。 地图设定的特殊胜利方式为寻找并击杀漫威宇宙的九头蛇组织潜伏于人类该时期的一组九头龙,它象征了地图所有敌国、王党幕后的黑手。而随着地图的深度游玩, 共济会将逐渐成为地图的一个重要印记。访问共济会天蓝色首领帐篷后,玩家将成为共济会盟主,领导一个势力国家和它的英雄们来推动革命历史的进程。 因此与其说本地图是八个国家阵营的交战,不如从抽象意义上讲是(玩家扮演的共济会力量)VS(指挥电脑AI们的九头蛇组织),即光明VS黑暗、正义VS邪恶。 In this map, players using any of the sides ,to control the famous people (military and political figures, scholars or artists, etc.) under their command to fight for them will feel that the same heroes have worked for multiple sides in that real period of history, and that multiple sides have often repeatedly fought for the same continental city-state, which in a sense goes beyond the concept of a country. It would be more appropriate to use 'side' rather than 'country' to distinguish the eight colors of this map, because, for example, the 'green Russian power', which is dominated by Tsarist Russia and incorporates the Prussian army, which was subordinate to Tsarist Russia at the time, is reflected in the source of its recruitable heroes, which is not only mostly Tsarist military and political figures, but also the Prussian king and Prussian general Blücher. Then there is the 'Purple South American Independence Camp', which is a synthesis of figures from many countries involved in the Latin American revolutionary sources, like Bolivar of Venezuela and San Martin of Chile. For convenience, the eight colors are simply called 'Red Britain' (recruitable heroes originating from the United Kingdom and the colonies), 'Blue France' (recruitable heroes originating from revolutionary France and the dependent republics established after it, such as the Dutch Batavian Republic), 'tan Austria' (recruitable heroes originating from the territories of the Holy Roman Empire), 'Green Russia', 'Orange Spain' (recruitable (recruitable heroes from Spain itself and the viceroyalties of the Americas, as well as a few Portuguese characters), 'Purple South American Independence Camp', 'teal North American Continental Army', 'Pink Sweden' (recruitable heroes from Sweden and Denmark and other Nordic countries). Map set up a special victory for the way to find and kill the Marvel Universe's Hydra organization lurking in the human race that period of time --A specific Hydra, which symbolizes the map all the enemy countries, the black hand behind the King's party. And with the depth of the your map tour, the Freemasonry will gradually become an important imprint of the map. After visiting the Masonic sky blue keymaster's tent, players will become the leader of Masonic alliance, leading one color and its heroes to promote the course of revolutionary history. So instead of saying that this map is a battle of eight national camps, in an abstract sense it is (the Masonic forces played by the player) vs. (the Hydra organization commanding the computer AI), i.e., light vs. darkness, good vs. evil. |
Note:The nine flag icons above are also clickable注意:上方的九面旗帜图标也都是可以点击的 |