i.The number of entries for the France Egg is now 31 and has no correspondence to the Main Event Guide or the Main Campaign Guide. However, egg entries often require completion of the relevant entry in the French Event Guide or French Campaign Guide as a prerequisite.法国彩蛋的条目数量现在是31个,与主要事件指南或主战役指南均没有对应关系。然而,彩蛋条目往往需要完成《法国事件指南》或《法国战役指南》中的相关条目作为前提条件。
ii.In fact, there are many easter eggs in other countries, but for the time being, they are not included in the tabulation. By the same token, not all of the easter eggs in France have been completely included in this France easter eggs table. The future update of the ebook may add the United Kingdom and other countries'easter egg inclusion table.其实其他国家也有许多彩蛋,但暂时未能进行制表收录。同样道理,法国全部彩蛋也不是全被完整收录了。将来宝典的更新可能增加英国等国彩蛋收录表。
iii.Completing the entries for the eggs will provide exclusive rewards for French players, so no entry must to be completed here.When you finish an entry, you can click the box in front of the entry, thus marking the entry with a check mark for easy memory; click the box again, the check mark in the box will disappear; when you re-enter this page or refresh the page, all the boxes on this page will revert to the unchecked state.完成彩蛋的条目将为法国玩家提供专属奖励,所以这里没有必须完成的条目。当你完成某条目时,可单击该条目前面的方框,从而对该条目作打钩标记,方便记忆;再次单击该方框,该方框内的打钩标记会消失;重新进入此页面或刷新页面时,此页面所有方框将重新恢复无钩状态。
1.Get Bon-Adrien Jeannot de Moncey at (49,85,0)开局苏尔特往下吃那个大法师蒙塞元帅,二人是二十六元帅中仅存的二位瞻仰了拿皇灵柩回归的元帅。
2.Get Nansouty near Landau (92,86,0)在兰道公国旁得到南松蒂的11名法国重骑兵
3.Defeat The levée en masse of royalist in the Northwest can get parts of statue of legion.Then If you guillotined Louis's head in France events guide,you could get statue of legion在西北地区打败保皇党的大军,可以得到军团雕像的一部分。然后如果你在法国事件指南中把路易的头送上断头台,你可以得到军团的雕像。
4.Get François Christophe de Kellermann at(86,94,0) 在(86,94,0)得到François Christophe de Kellermann
5.Defeat 5000 pikeman at( 42,40,0) after arrest Girondins可以击杀5000吉伦特派军队
6.After taking Marseille(50,209,0),get pitt lords at (52,65,0)解放马赛后于杜宫得到一群邪神王,用于鞭尸招恶鬼,从而进行恐怖政治
7.(52,71,1) Madame Tussaud's wax figures of those killed during the political period of terror were made here (170 stone figures symbolizing the 17000 victims of the political terror) (after the Treaty of Amiens, Tussaud's was also able to make 180 stone figures of wax in London again)(52,71,1) 杜莎夫人在这里制作了政治恐怖时期被杀者的蜡像(1700个石像,象征着17000名政治恐怖的受害者)(《亚眠条约》之后,杜莎夫人还能在伦敦再次制作180个石像的蜡像)
8.(27,69,0)get 5 spells获得5个昂热挂毯法术
9.After Battle of Fleurus ,you can capture Amsterdam from(91,7,0)and get 119 zealots弗勒鲁斯战役(芙蓉战役)后,你可以从(91,7,0)占领阿姆斯特丹,得到119个祭司。
10.After Battle of Fleurus,capture of the Dutch fleet at Den Helder at(91,1,0)弗勒鲁斯战役后,在登海尔德(Den Helder)俘虏了荷兰舰队,地点在(91,1,0)。抓获荷兰14船舰队资源赠送100W 并得到完成壮举的128人的骑兵支队加入
11.Get Saint-Cyr in Battle of Würzburg (109,81,0)得到防御型将领圣西尔,1个水晶龙和若干耐打型兵种钻石人等
12.Get ÉtienneMacdonald when capture Rome(109,222,0)得到在罗马履任的麦克唐纳1黑龙和若干兵力
13.After Battle of Arcole ,get an army at(105,172,0)“勇敢旅”从Grada湖方向增援,1-4级杂兵百余人
14.Murat can get Champions at (124,216,0)缪拉可以在支持他的tremiti岛上得到100骑士
15.You can pass(63,138,0)after Treaty of Campo Formio你可以在Campo Formio坎波-福米奥条约之后通过(63,138,0)。
16.Belgian peasants rebel (83,25,1)after Treaty of Campo Formio 比利时农民起义反抗法国兵役制度 10000农民
17.After battle of marengo,get Davout at(57,215,0)马伦哥战役后德赛阵亡,去土伦隔离区得到达武
18.Get Gendarmes d'élite de la Garde Impériale at(69,66,0)抓获爆炸案后成立帝国卫队精英宪兵骑兵 45个恐怖骑士加入
19.After Treaty of Amiens,unlock Legion of Honour at(53,81,0)亚眠条约》签订后,在(53,81,0)处解锁荣誉军团。
20.Unlock(54,61,0) Arc de triomphe de l'étoile system after battle of Austerlitz奥斯特里茨战役后解锁凯旋门荣誉系统,法军所有军事将帅类英雄每人可吃专属exp(10W-180W)不等的经验以及勇气勋章
21.Get Dragons de la Garde Impériale at(67,63,1)after invade Naples 1806年2月入侵那不勒斯时间线接入,得到帝国精英龙骑团170飞龙王
22.Get Poniatowski after enter Warsaw at Palace on the Isle (187,81,1) 在华沙内城的宫岛得到波尼亚托夫斯基和他的波兰友军
23.(3,194,0)Second siege of Zaragoza Lannes get exp.打萨拉戈萨围城战,拉纳可得千万exp
24.Battle of Somosierra (220,184,1)get 700 Polish Lancers 在马德里附近战斗中能获得700冲锋的波兰骑兵
25.Get Montbrun at(125,112,0)蒙布仑1000骑士加入
26.(140,138,0)Battle of Ebelsberg rewards(一个后期不在主线剧情的次要战役,彩蛋,打赢后45W金币)
27.Win Battle of Bautzen ,then get Glogau garrison 4000 troops at(161,80,0) 打赢包岑战役后可以在此解救4000人的一支守军.
28.Thorn garrison(182,58,0)1800 troops not removable 又是一个守军但此处守军无法营救
29.Modlin garrison(190,75,0)5500 troops not removable 一个无法营救的法国军团
30.Battle of Dresden,then get French Kustrin garrison (153,48,0)and French Spandau garrison (146,48,0)near Berlin(7000 soldiers in all)德累斯顿打赢后两支柏林附近法国驻军获救
31.Napoleon visit(82,217,0)"Casa Buonaparte",Ajaccio,get 200 points for This year 2021 is the 200 years ceremony of Napoleon's death.拿破仑访问科西嘉岛波拿巴家族的故居,得到200魔力值:点题之作--2021年是拿破仑(1821-2021)逝世200年忌辰