i.The total number of entries in the Britain Events guide is 36, which differs from the number 112 of entries in the 'main Events guide'and there is also no obvious correspondence. However, the entries named 'inherit from main events guide' are derived from the corresponding entries in the main events guide.英国事件指南中的条目总数为36个,与'主要事件指南'中的112个条目数不同,也没有明显的对应关联。然而,名为 "inherit from main events guide继承自主要事件指南 "的条目是由‘主要事件指南’中的相应条目衍生出来的。
ii.Entries that players must act and complete are in red.When you finish an entry, you can click the box in front of the entry, thus marking the entry with a check mark for easy memory; click the box again, the check mark in the box will disappear; when you re-enter this page or refresh the page, all the boxes on this page will revert to the unchecked state.玩家必须采取行动并完成的条目为红色字体。当你完成某条目时,可单击该条目前面的方框,从而对该条目作打钩标记,方便记忆;再次单击该方框,该方框内的打钩标记会消失;重新进入此页面或刷新页面时,此页面所有方框将重新恢复无钩状态。
1.(89,232,1)Capture of the Bahamas (1783) get 70 skeletons .巴哈马(89,232,1)得初始兵力70骷髅勇士
2.George III capture London (166,179,1)after A longer episode of disease in 1789.患精神病的乔治三世从温泉疗养地返回重掌伦敦城(166,179,1)
3. William Herschel discovers Enceladus,london given mage guild lv1.Automatic type events威廉赫舍尔发现新星伦敦起一级魔法塔,自动建造事件
4. A Discourse on the Love of Our Country,london given tarven.Automatic type events理查德的爱国演讲引起伦敦政坛激烈辩论,伦敦送酒馆,自动建造事件
5. Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolution of France,produces no less than 36 responses,london given townhall.Automatic type events又一次政坛事件,伦敦给市政厅,自动建造事件
6. 1790 06.16British general election,london give Cityhall.Automatic type events1790英国下议院改革后首次大选,伦敦建议会,自动建造事件
7. Constitutional Act 1791,Quebec given cityhall and citadel.Automatic type events英国国会通过了《宪法法》,将魁北克旧省分为加拿大上加拿大和下加拿大,魁北克建议会和大本营,自动建造事件
8. Thomas Paine's Rights of Man was published,London given necroAmplifier.Priestley_Riots at(159,183,1).人的权利在英国激起广大群众热烈阅读和追捧,伦敦起招魂塔.国王与教会命运的暴徒洗劫伯明翰的亲法革人士,(159,183,1)23000赎金买300盗贼
9. get Wordsworth at(162,176,1),then send he to(150,181,1),then(75,150,0)得到(162,176,1)华兹华斯,前往(150,181,1),再前往阿尔卑斯之旅(75,150,0)此外在英国湖畔区域存在一个名义为华兹华斯的重复触发的减士气加气元素事件
10.(25,50,0)save Jean Chouan and royalists.前往法国西部营救朱力安王党和其领导人
11.(104,241,1)Wreck of the Ten Sail.十帆残骸事件
12. EnlistmentAct1794.Automatic type events入伍法,英国伦敦周期性增兵开始,特点是总数较其他国家小但高级兵尸巫死骑比例高
13.1794 Treason Trials london given skeleton transformer Automatic type events皮特搞的叛国审判开始,被定罪者遭酷刑,伦敦建骷髅转换场
14.After siege of Toulon in Br battle guide,go(82,212,0)to Siege of Calvi to get Nelson (84,212,0)and established Anglo-Corsican Kingdom土伦之战后在科西嘉得纳尔逊并成立盎格鲁科西嘉客户王国
15. Ratcliffe Fireof 1794 Resources taken .Automatic type events伦敦一次大火,扣大批资源
16. Britain and the United States sign the Jay Treaty,small Resources given two sides every week.Automatic type events英美杰伊条约1794生效,英美从此每周赠送少许资源.英美中期资源平衡节点
17. The music of the Welsh march Men of Harlech is first published 类似法国势力会时而奏马赛曲一样,英国威尔士人1794年军歌进行曲
18. 18 January – William V, Prince of Orange, flees the Dutch Republic for exile at Kew of london.奥兰治亲王的荷兰王国被推翻,来伦敦流亡,伦敦增加1死亡骑士
20.(168,78,1)rebuild The Theatre Royal and Double assassination attempt on George III 15 May 1800.先用木石重建皇家剧院(168,78,1),然后观看表演的乔治三像被“上帝拯救”一般惊险躲过双重刺杀,得到亡灵挂件免疫亡灵杀手。同时皇家剧院启动后每周可在其内招魔幻法师(象征在剧院内演出的艺术家们).
21. Pitt introduces the Two Acts, which ban all assemblies of over 50 people,london given capitol 1795.11月皮特在国会通过反集会法.伦敦建国会和暗黑天幕(几乎与巴黎城的成立目录1795.10.31给国会事件同一游戏天)
22. (152,180,1)William Wordsworth Lake Poets华兹华斯访问湖畔区的湖畔诗人
23. after established Anglo-Corsican Kingdom go (95,211,0),then capture Elba(92,213,0),then you can do the mission of defeat napoleon on the island.英国占领厄尔巴岛,并在该岛上做打败拿破仑并对其流放的任务(完成任务得稀缺宝物战争枷锁).实际上玩家随时有机会击败拿破仑,故岛上任务随时可完成,无需跟随剧情线到1814再完成
24. Anglo-Spanish War.Nothing paricularly
25. income tax,br receive 10,000 golds every 7 days.Automatic type events1799年初开始实行所得税,大英每周额外得到一定量大洋(暂定1W)自动建造事件
26. after Battle of Cape St Vincent (1797) in br battle guide,go(200,203,1)Action of 16 October 1799,get large Resources.英国战役线圣文森角战役获胜后彩蛋事件,俘获一支西班牙宝藏舰队,大量金币。但需要很高的技能点作为第二道关卡的通过,因此奖励还是很难一时半会儿获得的要积累四维属性。
27. Glasgow Police Act Parliament of Great Britain,glasgow given cityhall.Automatic type events格拉斯哥议会警察法,格拉斯哥建议会,自动建造事件
28. Acts of union,london,glasgow and dublin all given castle.Automatic type events联合法案1800建立大不列颠及爱尔兰联合王国,英伦三城同时建立城堡,自动建造事件
29.after Treaty of Amiens in br battle guide, go(167,176,1)and (171,173,1)visit red keymaster tent亚眠条约后,皮特打开伦敦城背后的(167,176,1)关卡 又拿1个招船魔法(海军优势),杜莎夫人蜡像馆,再访问(171,173,1)红帐篷,解锁广泛的红色专属传送门战区跳跃机动
30. first Trooping the Colour ceremony at the Horse Guards Parade in London,london given upgrade hall of darkness Automatic type events1799伦敦的骑马卫队阅兵式上举行了第一场“变色”仪式,伦敦的暗黑殿得到升级
31.ironproduction rise,br given ore every month.Automatic type events1799英国钢铁年产持续走高,红色定期送矿石暂定每月43个
32.inherit from main events guide No.90:Froberg mutiny. Resources taken.Automatic type events1799英国马耳他外籍军团叛变,中后期扣资源
33. Automatic type events1806英国议会法令,涉及对欧洲及中立国的禁运封锁等,作为大后期英国和其余各国(普遍倒扣资源)的经济倒扣节点,
34. get water walk spell at(159,172,1),then use the spell to go to(149,172,1)to get tome of water magic.先通过曼比迫击炮进行的救援在(159,172,1)得到凌波微步,用凌波走到(149,172,1)爱丁堡自然历史协会处领代表水神主义学说的水系魔法书(另需中量象征自然界的元素兵献祭)
35. 1809.10.21 Nelson's Pillar in Dublin is completed,Dublin given spirit guardian.Automatic type events纳尔逊纪念柱在都柏林建成,都柏林送守护神像
36. inherit from main events guide No.96:Al Qasimi Resources taken every month.Automatic type events波斯湾海盗每月扣一些资源