各势力人物的底板游戏原型英雄的种族构成Prototype hero race compositions of each Side's figure


Side of this map

该势力人物的底板游戏原型英雄的种族构成Prototype hero race compositions of each Side's figure

解读(中文) Interpretation (ENG)



以墓园种族的死骑及亡灵法师为主mainly of death knights and necromancers

首先要强调一点,以下文章的解读观点属于宏观分析,也就是说从微观观点(每位人物具体是怎么跟每个英雄特长匹配的)我们已经通过英雄档案进行了一对一的详细解读,所以现在宏观分析的目的在于以表格的形式进行整体性解读,从势力阵营的阵容上进一步解读 这样的匹配结果存在着诸多大的结构化的合理性--这与微观观点相互呼应,更证明了本地图156位人物与游戏英雄原型匹配的这种结果的美妙性之所在。
Firstly, it should be emphasized that the interpretation viewpoint of the following article belongs to macro analysis, which means that from a micro perspective (how each character specifically matches each hero's Specialty), we have conducted a detailed one-on-one interpretation through the Complete archive of hero settings. Therefore, the purpose of macro analysis now is to provide a comprehensive interpretation in the form of a table, There are many big Structured rationality - this echoes the micro perspective and further proves the beauty of this result of matching 156 characters on this map with the game hero prototype.
It can be seen that the knights and priests of the Castle are mostly French, and France's Standard race is the Castle . occasionally see outstanding British commanders such as Wellington and Nelson, or Pope Pius VII, who commanded the European Church.
The Ranger are basically the heroes of North America. The standard race for North America is the Rampart. The five figures among the pioneers of North American independence, Washington is the core leader, Madison Jefferson is a faction. This faction is not pro British, but more pro French. Adams and Hamilton are another pro British faction, so they are arranged far away from the Elementalist. In addition, Davout, The two French Marshals, Soult, had tense interpersonal relationships with many other French military commanders. So Davout be a nearby Rampart defence specialist, and Sirte, who was the third wise in the army, happened to be a Druid intelligence specialist. Other leaders such as the Spanish Global Bullpox Vaccination Expedition, such as Dr. Balmis, were given healing expertise. The Swedish smallpox female doctor and captain was Gem's position. Charles Lee, a highly controversial figure in the North American Revolutionary War, was set as a resistance specialty at level 6424, making him well suited as a big boss for the villains.
Swedish standard race is tower, so many alchemists are Swedes. Queen Charlotte, who judges the situation well, is an eagle eye. Her husband, premature die Charles XIII, can just be used to lead a white haired mage. The invention expert who promoted the steam engine ship revolution, the American Fulton, is an expert in acceleration. The Spanish mining expert is an expert in mercury. University students like Goethe and Somerville have won two genie positions. Prince Edward (the natural father of Queen Victoria), the head of the British Freemasonry, rightfully took the position of Dracon
On the devil's side, there are generally people with poor reputations or more extreme personalities from various countries, such as French police minister Fouche or terrorist political leader Robespierre. The life characteristics of the pagan side are also very similar to the strengths of their corresponding prototype heroes, such as the blood sacrificial witch Fatiman of the Black Uprising of Haiti.
The necropolis is standard race for britain, and the main commanders of several other anti French alliance forces are also located here, used to give them a soul summoning spell, such as Bernadotte from Sweden, Schwarzenberg from Austria, and Kutuzov from Russia, who consumed the French army. Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher, who led the cavalry under the black flag of Prussia, Prince Kant, an important member of the former royal family of France who fled to a foreign country, and Louis Philippe, who had a keen political vision like an eagle, were all under the banner of the heroes of the undead.
The Dungeon is Austria's standard race, most of whom were recruited by Austria, from masters of strategic maneuvering like Archduke Karl to Beethoven, who turned piano music into an efficient killing weapon, to Scharnhorst and Radetsky, who were adept at reshaping armies.
Russia's standard race is stronghold. Like Platov, who leads the Cossack cavalry, he is naturally a wolf cavalry specialist. Like Ney in France, Baghlaquian, who is not suitable for commanding a large army but is extremely brave, is a crossbow vehicle specialist, while artillery commander Yemolov is a cyclops York. Finally, it is worth mentioning that Lewis Scrak, a duo hero, led the Discovery Corps to explore the Great West during the early days of North American independence, making significant contributions to the expansion of the national wealth of the United States, just like picking up gems all the way westward.
Due to space issues, please go to the Complete archive of hero settings for a detailed of the South American characters and how all characters correspond to the prototype hero.



几乎占据了城堡族所有的骑士与牧师,以及壁垒族的一部分英雄Almost all of the knights and cleric of the Castle, as well as a portion of the heroes of the Rampat



地下种族的绝大部分英雄席位属于奥地利人物The vast majority of hero seats in the Dungeon race belong to Austrian figures



据点种族的绝大部分英雄席位属于俄国人物The vast majority of hero seats in the Stronghold race belong to Russian figures



成分极为复杂且分散,并没有集中在哪一个种族下The composition is extremely complex and dispersed, not concentrated under any one race

(Purple)South America(Sa)


Mainly of fortress race of beastmaster and witches

(Teal)North America(Na)


有壁垒种族的数位游骑兵,还有几位女巫和元素使There were several Rangers of the Rampart race, and several witches and elementalist



有数位是塔楼种族的炼金术士或术士,其余则较为分散Several are alchemists or wizard of the tower races, the rest are more scattered