i.Spain has only one guide, which includes the content of the event type guide and the campaign type guide; unlike the British, French, Austrian and Russian countries, which have separate event guides and campaign guides.西班牙只有一份指南,它包括了事件类型指南及战役类型指南的内容;而不像英法奥俄四国一样有单独的事件指南及战役指南。
ii.The total number of entries in the Spain guide is 31, which differs from the number 112 of entries in the 'main Events guide'or the number 114 of entries in the 'main battles guide',and there is also no obvious correspondence. However, the entries named 'inherit from main events guide' and 'inherit from mainbattles guide' are derived from the corresponding entries in the main events guide and the main battles guide.西班牙事件指南中的条目总数为31个,与'主要事件指南'中的112个条目数不同或'主要战役指南'中的114个条目数都不同,也没有明显的对应关联。然而,名为 "inherit from main events guide继承自主要事件指南 "和"inherit from main battles guide继承自主要战役指南的条目是由‘主要事件指南’和‘主要战役指南’中的相应条目衍生出来的。
5.The Second Treaty of San Ildefonso .Nothing paricularly.
6.(145,245,1)1797 Riobamba earthquake 洪堡访问(145,245,1)得到一个土灵球
9.After war of the oranges,use sidney smith to visit spain white key master's tent,and flee from lisbon to capture Rio de Janeiro之后想办法招到史密斯西德尼用他去里斯本以南的海面访问访问西班牙专属帐篷白帐篷,帮助葡萄牙王室逃亡巴西移都至里约热内卢
12.(222,210,1)Battle_of_Évora_ after Dos de Mayo Uprising.一个并不一定需要完成的分支战役(222,210,1),是紧跟着马德里起义爆发的葡萄牙反法起义
14.Supreme Central Junta,Seville given cityhall.最高军政府在塞维利亚开始运作,塞维利亚送议会
15.Cortes of Cádiz,Seville given capitol.Automatic type events加的斯摄政,送个国会,放在邻近的塞维利亚,自动事件
17.(8,224,0)(14,224,0)(239,173,1)Campagne d'Aragon et de Catalogne加泰罗尼亚战役(8,224,0)(14,224,0)(239,173,1),打败围城的几支法军可以解救几千兵力
20.1810Grito de Dolores,nothing
21.Aponte conspiracy,resource taken古巴奴隶起义西班牙收到一个全局性资源倒扣事件.
22.First Spanish Constitution.Goya get Archangles at (241,209,1)加的斯1812年自由主义宪法,寻找303位来自全球西班牙殖民地的代表开关卡(241,209,1),再用戈雅访问小屋得50个大天使(象征戈雅为这部宪法创作的赞美画作,画中画了几个天使)
24.Transfer of the Portuguese court to Brazil,Rio de Janeiro given cityhall.Automatic type events葡萄牙最高法院转移到巴西,里约城建立议会,自动事件
25.Cadiz (239,209,1) Trienio Liberal visits the sacrifice of the liberal General Rafael del Riego (an angel) in exchange for a freedom pendant - three years of freedom加的斯 (239,209,1)Trienio Liberal访问用自由主义者Rafael del Riego将军(一个天使)的牺牲换一个自由挂件-自由的三年
26.The liberal revolution begins in Portugal, Lisbon given city hall.Automatic type events自由主义革命开始在葡萄牙,里斯本送议会,自动事件
27.The first Portuguese constitution, Lisbon given castle,Automatic type events葡萄牙第一部宪法,里斯本建国会城堡,自动事件
28.(226,232,1)Portuguese conquest of the Banda Oriental.派莱科入侵东方班达(拉普拉塔)(226,232,1)
29.Independence_of_Brazil.Rio de Janeiro given capitol and castle Automatic type events.1822年巴西独立,里约起国会和城堡自动事件
30.The Late Madrid creature adding events - The 100,000 Sons of LouisAutomatic type events大后期马德里增兵事件--路易的十万之子,自动事件
31.(228,233,1)Cisplatine War铝稀战争.入侵东方班达后就可和南美独立阵营抢铝锡战争的那个(228,233,1)丰收号角。