8.俄国事件指南Russia Events guide

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i.The total number of entries in the Russia Events guide is 8, which differs from the number 112 of entries in the 'main Events guide'and there is also no obvious correspondence. However, the entries named 'inherit from main events guide' are derived from the corresponding entries in the main events guide.俄国事件指南中的条目总数为8个,与'主要事件指南'中的112个条目数不同,也没有明显的对应关联。然而,名为 "inherit from main events guide继承自主要事件指南 "的条目是由‘主要事件指南’中的相应条目衍生出来的。

ii.Entries that players must act and complete are in green.When you finish an entry, you can click the box in front of the entry, thus marking the entry with a check mark for easy memory; click the box again, the check mark in the box will disappear; when you re-enter this page or refresh the page, all the boxes on this page will revert to the unchecked state.玩家必须采取行动并完成的条目为绿色字体.当你完成某条目时,可单击该条目前面的方框,从而对该条目作打钩标记,方便记忆;再次单击该方框,该方框内的打钩标记会消失;重新进入此页面或刷新页面时,此页面所有方框将重新恢复无钩状态。

1.To fight the Swiss-Russian war hidden plot of (211, 10, 1) the naval battle, you can capture (206,43,1)Vilnius开局打瑞俄战争隐藏剧情的(211,10,1)这个海战,可以占领维尔纽斯(206,43,1)

2.Get Alexander I at (249,1,0)after Battle of Cassano d'Adda in ru battle guide.俄国战役线Battle of Cassano d'Adda完成后,(249,1,0)保罗被刺杀,得到亚历山大一世

3.Ministry of Finance of the Russian Empire,gold given to ru every 7 days..Automatic type events俄帝国财政部,往后每周送3000金币,自动型事件

4. Fire of Moscow(1812),side which own Moscow will lose Resoursce every day on ..Automatic type events1812年莫斯科大火开始点燃,此后谁占莫斯科谁倒霉(每天扣大量资源),尽早弃守莫斯科城让电脑占领,自动型事件

5.inherit from main events guide No.104:Treaties of Reichenbach (1813),russian receive 2 million gold.Automatic type events莱辛巴赫条约俄普从英国获得200W 金币,自动型事件

6.After Battle of Leipzig(152,139,1)Congress of Vienna,Alexander I visit black keymaster.维也纳会议,沙皇亚历山大访问(152,139,1)黑帐篷

7.At (161,122,0) Battle of Austerlitz find (161,125,0) General Potemkin, who becomes the starting figure for the content of the Decemberists. Then (235,138,0) the Southern Society of the League of Saviour visits the Southern leader Pester, and then returns to St. Petersburg (244,1,1) to open the clash on Senate Square on the day of the opposition uprising在(161,122,0)Russian players were thus able to visit the one-way gates that transported them to the mecca of the Enlightenment.奥斯特里茨战役中找到(161,125,0)波将金将军,该人成为十二月党人内容的起点人物。接着(235,138,0)的救国同盟南方社会访问南方领导人佩斯特,再回圣彼得堡(244,1,1)开启参议院广场的对垒起义日冲突。俄国玩家由此得以访问传送至启蒙运动圣地的单向门。

8.Alexander von Humboldt's personal life-long Task:First go (123,67,0)to visit leder brother Wilhelm von Humboldt,then vist Spanish Foreign Minister Don Mariano Luis de Urquijo at(222,180,1),
the visit Andrés Manuel del Río at(7,243,1),finally go (251,13,0)to gain exp.Note that Humboldt is recruitable for 7 countries, so his personal adventure is not only completed by players in the Russian perspective.洪堡一生的科学之旅,终其一生足迹遍及大西洋两岸,一路访问相关NPC获得各种奖励,首先去(123,67,0)拜访他的兄弟威廉-冯-洪堡,然后在(222,180,1)拜访西班牙外交部长唐-马里亚诺-路易斯-德-乌尔基霍。在(7,243,1)拜访Andrés Manuel del Río,最后去(251,13,0)获得经验。最终在俄国进行1829年的终极勘察,吃18亿经验,成为高等级魔力特英雄。注意洪堡为7国可招,因此他的个人RPG生涯并非只有玩家在俄国视角下才能完成。玩家扮演其他国家时,招募到洪堡后同样可进行此RPG生涯。