i.The total number of entries in the France Battles guide is 114, which is same to the number 114 of entries in the 'Main Battles guide'and each entry is exactly flush with the corresponding entry in the 'Main Battles Guide'. 法国战役指南中的条目总数为114个,与'主要战役指南'中的114个条目数相同,并且每一条与'主要战役指南'的对应条目完全平齐。
ii.The content of those items named "XX guide" can be found in the guides of other countries,France player don't need to deal with these entries;named "Abandoned entry "shall be ignored,They are also the very entries that were abandoned in the main battles guide。命名为 'XX guide'(某国指南)的条目的内容可以在其他国家的指南中找到,法国玩家不需要处理这些条目。命名为 'Abandoned entry '的条目的内容应被忽略,它们也正是主要战役指南中被舍弃的条目。
iii.Entries that players must act and complete are in dark blue.When you finish an entry, you can click the box in front of the entry, thus marking the entry with a check mark for easy memory; click the box again, the check mark in the box will disappear; when you re-enter this page or refresh the page, all the boxes on this page will revert to the unchecked state.玩家必须采取行动并完成的条目为深蓝色字体。当你完成某条目时,可单击该条目前面的方框,从而对该条目作打钩标记,方便记忆;再次单击该方框,该方框内的打钩标记会消失;重新进入此页面或刷新页面时,此页面所有方框将重新恢复无钩状态。
1.See Austria and Russian Battles guide见奥俄战役指南
2.(74,60,0)Battle of Valmy atfer verdun battle in events guide 法国event guide的凡尔登战役完成后,进行(74,60,0)瓦尔密战役,500DK外加千余杂兵,得到瓦尔密大炮和骑兵
3.(69,34,0)Battle of Jemappes and get Jourdan after valmy ,then capture Brussel at (75,26,0) 打(69,34,0)敌兵700个6级混编射手。 有较特殊地形可用。打赢后可占(75,26,0)布鲁塞尔
4.(80,28,0)Battle of Neerwinden after Battle of Jemappe .(80,28,0)需要击败奥军2800洞穴人有较特殊地形可用
5.(95,68,0)Siege of Mainz after Battle of Jemappe。得到(95,68,0)的关键农民军,作为后面旺代战争的索引。有较特殊地形可用
6.(67,38,0)Battle of Famars follow from Battle of Neerwinden。击败(67,38,0)联军1100僵尸有较特殊地形可用
7. (68,33,0)Siege of Valenciennes follow from Battle of Famars 击败(68,33,0)联军1300阴魂
8.(61,14,0) Battle of Hondschoote after Battle of Jemappe。击败(68,33,0)4000行尸有较特殊地形可用
9.(63,12,0)Siege of Dunkirk after Battle of Hondschoote 击败2000阴魂,可解围救出1000守军有较特殊地形可用
10.(73,38,0)Battle of Wattignies after(Siege of Mainz+Siege of Valenciennes+ Siege of Dunkirk )打(73,38,0)2487鹰女有较特殊地形可用
11.(55,212,0)Sigge of Toulon after (Battle of Wattignies + capture Marseille) 拿破仑打(55,212,0)土伦之战1900沼泽鬼族杂兵
12.(74,200,0)Battle of Saorgio after Sigge of Toulon ,get Massena(74,200,0)2800地狱杂兵 此战马塞纳登场,开始和拿破仑配合
13.(68,21,0)Battle of Mouscron after Battle of Wattignies ,get Louis Desaix.打(68,21,0)1700行尸得到德赛
14.(67,22,0)Battle of Tourcoing after Battle of Mouscron 5500杂兵
15. See Russian Battles guide见俄国战役指南
16.(184,201,1)Glorious First of June after Sigge of Toulon 200光荣六月海战(184,201,1)尸巫1000杂兵,可得运粮船队大量资源,资源控制节点
17.(76,36,0)Battle of Fleurus after Battle of Tourcoing 芙蓉战役打(76,36,0) 5000 2-3级兵
18.in french easter eggs 法国彩蛋内容
19.after Glorious First of June and Battle of Fleurus ,sign Peace of Basel at(82,118,0),then can capture Luxembourg (83,52,1)光荣六月和芙蓉之战都胜利后,签订巴塞尔合约,从(83,52,1)占卢森堡城
20.(77,200,0)Battle of Loano after battle of Saorgio get Augereau and Sérurier.再次转到意大利战场(77,200,0)打败2000猴子
21.See Britain battles guide见英国战役指南
22. (79,198,0)Battle of Montenotte After Battle of Loano 2500 1-3级杂兵
23.(88,178,0)Battle of Lodi after Battle of Montenotte。4000 鹰女 打赢后可占米兰特殊封闭地形
24.See Britain battles guide见英国战役指南
25. (109,81,0)Battle of Würzburg after Battle of Lodi.capture (107,72,0)Frankfurt打败1500瞎子即可,但会被卡尔大公的主力击退,但可以占(107,72,0)法兰克福
26.111,190,0)Battle of Arcole after Battle of Lodi打败2000鹰女,可得到500枪兵援军
27. (105,178,0)Battle of Rivoli after Battle of Arcole 打奥地利一支炮兵军团 2000斜眼
28.(102,187,0)Siege of Mantua after Battle of Rivoli ,capture Venice拿下曼图亚的6000奥军,然后可以占领水城威尼斯
29.See Britain battles guide见英国战役指南
30.See Austria Battles guide见奥地利战役指南
31.(124,184,0)Treaty of Campo Formio,meanwhile go (147,162,0)to get Leclerc,then get Pauline at Milan(89,166,0)重大节点坎波条约(124,184,0)第一次反法同盟终结,在(147,162,0)后得勒克莱尔,用他在米兰城内(89,166,0)找波莉娜波拿巴
32.南美独立阵营指南South American Independence Force guide
33.北美大陆军指南North American Continental Army guide
34.(74,130,0)Battle_of_Grauholz after Siege of Mantua OR Battle of Würzburg “或'表示这两场前置战役完成其一便可解锁 2000塔楼杂兵
35.(138,251,0)Battle of the Pyramids After capture Malta 占领马耳他岛后,金字塔之战打3000马穆鲁克游牧民
36.See Britain battles guide见英国战役指南
37.See Britain battles guide见英国战役指南
38.See Austria Battles guide见奥地利战役指南
39. (144,250,0)Battle of Abukir (1799)打败奥斯曼军队,5000游牧
40.See Austria Battles guide见奥地利战役指南
41. (82,123,0)Second Battle of Zurich after Battle of the Pyramids and get oudinot 8000据点地下杂兵,攻占苏黎世得到乌迪诺
42.See Britain battles guide见英国战役指南
43.(92,120,0)Battle of Stockach and Engen after Second Battle of Zurich 7000个1-3级兵
44.(83,186,0)battle of Marengo after napoleon cross the Great Saint Bernard Pass with Francois étienne de Kellermann at(69,153,0).10000地下1-6级兵,德赛阵亡,在土伦得德赛的接班人达武
45.(119,124,0)Battle of Hohenlinden after Battle of Stockach and Engen capture Munich learn Clone from Alois Senefelder 打10000地下兵,占慕尼黑学镜像
46.(84,93,0)treaty of Lunéville after Battle of Hohenlinden and battle of Marengo吕纳维尔合约,法奥和谈
47.See Britain battles guide见英国战役指南
48.(244,211,1)First Battle of Algeciras after treaty of Lunéville 阿尔赫西拉斯第一战 打300个尸巫 得到一些资源补给
49.See Britain battles guide见英国战役指南
50.北美大陆军指南North American Continental Army guide
51.Sent Pauline to reconquer Saint-Domingue at(116,233,1) 勒克莱尔和宝琳娜一同重占海地太子港,打败黄热病(9999龙蝇和3万Imp)
52.Abandoned entry 舍弃的条目
53.西班牙指南Spain guide
54.After First Battle of Algeciras,send Joseph Bonaparte to(55,34,0)to sign Treaty of Amiens,then can unlock all Britain block over the sea亚眠条约,可解开法国外海一切英国皇家海军海上封锁线,注意签条约是1802.03截止,签完了要在1803.05以前尽可能解锁海上封锁否则战事重启海上封锁到期后不再可解锁
55.(111,106,0)Battle of Ulm 重点战役一:乌尔姆战役
56.(112,185,0)Battle of Caldiero atfer battle of ulm 7000个4级
57. (241,214,1)Battle of Trafalgar重点战役二:特拉法加
58.(147,127,0)Battle of Austerlitz重点战役三:奥斯特里茨战役
59.After Battle of Austerlitz,sent Talleyrand to (164,144,0)派塔列朗签订Peace of Pressburg
60.See Britain battles guide见英国战役指南
61.See Britain battles guide见英国战役指南
62.Take Naples(112,224,0) after Peace of Pressburg 普雷斯堡合约后可攻占那不勒斯(112,224,0)
63.Treaty of the Confederation of the Rhine after Peace of Pressburg 成立一批莱茵联邦,包括福腾堡-斯图加特王国,巴伐利亚王国,维尔茨堡大公国,萨克森王国,雷根斯堡,巴登,伯格,黑森大公国-达姆施塔特,威斯特伐利亚。玩家的法国打赢三反及四反摸到深蓝色帐篷后,可以利用这些莱茵联邦进行战区跳跃机动。
64.The Fall of the Holy Roman Empire神罗灭亡,三反结束。
65.(123,62,0)Battle of Jena–Auerstedt重点战役四:耶拿战役
66.(133,16,0)Battle of Lübeck after Battle of Jena–Auerstedt打15000 骷髅,抓310行尸俘虏
67.Capture Warsaw (186,80,0)after Battle of Jena–Auerstedt 法军第一次开进华沙,华沙公国成立。《柏林法令》和大陆体系开始生效为中后期法国周期性倒扣资源的节点开始生效
68.(186,37,0)Battle of Eylau埃劳战役,战斗十分惨烈需要500戟兵和100骑士献祭象征该战役法军骑兵历史性大冲锋,再打1000比蒙1W半兽人后进入弗里德兰战役战场
69. (188,34,0)Battle of Friedland重点战役五:弗里德兰战役
70.(190,31,0)Treaties of Tilsit.then can visit dark blue tent at (55,66,1)提尔西特条约 四反结束,可在杜伊勒伊宫地下内城(55,66,1)访问法国专属深蓝色帐篷,获得欧陆广泛的战区机动
71.Abandoned entry 舍弃的条目
72.See Britain battles guide见英国战役指南
73.See Britain battles guide见英国战役指南
74.See Britain battles guide见英国战役指南
75. See Russian Battles guide见俄国战役指南
76.Abandoned entry 舍弃的条目
77.瑞典指南Sweden guide
78.After Treaties of Tilsit,visit (212,197,1)then capture Lisbon at (215,215,1),and capture Barcelona at(25,223,0)提尔西特条约后从(212,197,1)罗德里戈斯北部线路拿下 (215,215,1)里斯本,在加泰罗尼亚(25,223,0)占巴塞罗那
79.Murat capture Madrid (228,181,1)after invade Lisbon缪拉镇压马德里(228,181,1)民众起义反对约瑟夫波拿巴统治西班牙 法国占领马德里每天开始扣资源(半岛战争是出血性溃疡)
80.Battle of Corunna(220,184,1)then (198,195,1) 拿破仑亲征西班牙追击英军 打1000幻影射手和1W鬼城1-6级兵
81.See Britain battles guide见英国战役指南
82.(230,188,1) then take Seville (238,208,1)
83.西班牙指南Spain guide
84.See Britain battles guide见英国战役指南
85.See Britain battles guide见英国战役指南
86.See Britain battles guide见英国战役指南
87.See Britain battles guide见英国战役指南
88.Abandoned entry 舍弃的条目
89.in french easter eggs 法国彩蛋内容
90.(123,112,0)battle of Teugen-Hausen after Battle of Corunna泰根豪森战役 3W地下兵含有5000红龙
91.(126,114,0)Battle of Eckmühl after battle of Teugen-Hausen根斯堡-埃克谬尔战役 打7W地下兵
92. (127,110,1)Battle of Regensburg after Battle of Eckmühl 拉纳打雷根斯堡战役
93.in french easter eggs 法国彩蛋内容
94.See Austria Battles guide见奥地利战役指南
95.See Austria Battles guide见奥地利战役指南
96. (160,140,0)Battle of Wagram.瓦格拉姆反击战打5W地下高级兵
97.See Britain battles guide见英国战役指南
98.(148,144,0)Treaty of Schönbrunn美泉宫和约
99. See Russian Battles guide见俄国战役指南
100.北美大陆军指南North American Continental Army guide
101.(127,68,0)Battle of Lützen after Treaty of Schönbrunn 吕岑战役(1813)9w俄普联军(顺接自美泉宫和约。而美泉宫和约到吕岑战役之间原本的1812年法国视角的征俄战役已在开局内伊的撤退RPG里蒙太奇一笔带过了)
102.(148,76,0)Battle of Bautzen After Battle of Lützen包岑战役 再战9w俄普联军
103.(141,77,0)Battle of Dresden after Battle of Bautzen 21W俄普联军
104.瑞典指南Sweden guide
105.See Russian Battles guide见俄国战役指南
106.See Austria Battles guide见奥地利战役指南
107.瑞典指南Sweden guide
108.(132,65,0)Battle of Leipzig重点战役六:莱比锡战役 法国的终极战斗,击败奥 普 俄 英 瑞 五国联军,然后可以访问(49,89,0)黑色帐篷占领全图城市,打败所有敌人。
109. See Austria Battles guide见奥地利战役指南
110.See Russian Battles guide见俄国战役指南
111.Abandoned entry 舍弃的条目
112.Abandoned entry 舍弃的条目
113.After event line NO.112,go (77,31,0)battlo of waterloo.莱比锡战役后先在法国事件指南开启隐藏剧情百日王朝,接着打(77,31,0)滑铁卢战役(虚构情节,这里格鲁希将从东面及时赶到战场,挽回滑铁卢战局)