6.奥地利事件指南Austria Events guide
i.The total number of entries in the Austria Events guide is 16, which differs from the number 112 of entries in the 'main Events guide'and there is also no obvious correspondence. However, the entries named 'inherit from main events guide' are derived from the corresponding entries in the main events guide.奥地利事件指南中的条目总数为16个,与'主要事件指南'中的112个条目数不同,也没有明显的对应关联。然而,名为 "inherit from main events guide继承自主要事件指南 "的条目是由‘主要事件指南’中的相应条目衍生出来的。
ii.Entries that players must act and complete are in tan.When you finish an entry, you can click the box in front of the entry, thus marking the entry with a check mark for easy memory; click the box again, the check mark in the box will disappear; when you re-enter this page or refresh the page, all the boxes on this page will revert to the unchecked state.玩家必须采取行动并完成的条目为棕褐色字体。当你完成某条目时,可单击该条目前面的方框,从而对该条目作打钩标记,方便记忆;再次单击该方框,该方框内的打钩标记会消失;重新进入此页面或刷新页面时,此页面所有方框将重新恢复无钩状态。
1. The Café Frauenhuber was recently established in Vienna in what had been a medieval bathhouse.,Vienna give tarven.Automatic type events著名的咖啡馆在维也纳开业,维也纳霍夫堡宫送酒馆.自动事件
2. Theater in der Josefstadt,Vienna given mage level 1.Automatic type events维也纳剧院开业,给一级魔法塔,自动事件
3. Così fan Tutte,vienna given medusa.Automatic type events莫扎特歌剧“女人就那样”上演,维也纳造美杜莎,自动事件
4. Return the crown of St. Stephen to Buda (184,164,0)in Hungary,then Franz II return and unlock Vienna(151,143,1).弗朗茨二世途径布达(184,164,0),并穿越帝国领土回维也纳(151,143,1),接替他叔叔和父亲的皇位
5. Inherit from main events guide No.14:The French nobles arrested in Day_of_Daggers were released on March 13, some of them went into exile in Austria.Automatic type events匕首日的法国贵族流亡奥地利,维也纳10个额外的牛头,自动事件
6. Cimarosa's opera "Il Matrimonio Segreto," premiered in Vienna.Hofburg given mage level 2.Automatic type events剧院升级-维也纳送第二级魔法塔,自动事件
7. inherit from main events guide No.29:The Royal-Allemand regiment deserts the French army and joins the Austrian-Prussian coalitionAutomatic type events皇家阿勒曼骑兵离开法国加入奥地利,维也纳增兵几十名狮蝎,自动事件
8. inherit from main events guide No.30:The Hussar regiments of Saxe and Bercheny desert the French Army and join the coalition.,Automatic type events类似上一条,又有法国骑兵叛逃到奥地利,自动事件
9. Go get Beethoven at(91,40,0),sent him to vienna(151,145,0)Haydn's to get exp.Elimination of negative experience values波恩(91,40,0)得贝多芬后 派后者去维也纳(151,145,0)向海顿学习,得经验,消除负数经验
10. (152,143,1)use 170,000 golds to buy 17,000,000exp for Beethoven.贝多芬得到资金支持后(152,143,1)维也纳剧院钢琴首秀,17W Gold换170W exp
11. Joseph Haydn returned to Vienna from England.Hofburg given mage level 3.Automatic type events海顿返回维也纳担任乐队指挥,霍夫堡建3级魔法塔,自动事件
12. Numbered bank account(156,140,1)use endless sack of gold to buy endless sack of golds.哈布斯堡(156,140,1)银行界开创编号账户,可购endless sack of golds
13. Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser,hofburg given Mana vortex.Automatic type events海顿创作天佑弗朗茨 作为以后的奥地利国歌.维也纳造魔力旋涡,自动事件
14. inherit from main events guide No.76:(99,117,0)(Non-mandatory fight)非必要性战斗(99,117,0)
15. Joseph Haydn’s "Die Schopfung," premiered in Vienna.,given mage level 4,Automatic type events海顿的创世纪上演,维也纳,给四级魔法塔,自动事件
16. After Battle of Leipzig,Congress_of_Vienna(155,140,1),visit black keymaster.You can also visit the exclusive Austrian brown tent and thus maneuver through the exclusive Austrian monolith two way for a wide range of war zones jumping。 莱比锡战役后,维也纳会议(155,140,1),梅特涅访问黑帐篷及奥地利的棕色帐篷。从而通过独家的奥地利双向门,进行广泛的战区跳跃。