各势力种族设定与可选城镇类型Race settings and optional town types for each side


Side of this map


该势力开局时可选的城镇类型Side's optional town types when starting this map

理由(中文) Reason(Eng)








魁北克城Québec City

In multiple official maps like a Viking we shall go, England is often set up as a Rampart elf race. Allowing England to choose the Rampart , as Heroes of Might and Magic 3 players have been fond of doing in the past.And since England is a high latitude region, it is England can choose tower.The necropolis race represents darkness and reaction, so it was arranged that those major forces of the Anti-French League who intervened in the French Revolution could choose the necropolis, the creatures of the necropolis race moved slowly and hobbled, they were suitable for the British and Austrian armies which showed less mobility.The appearance of the main buildings in London is also more similar to the appearance of the Necropolis,So set up the Necropolis as the British standard race



蓝色法国势力的都城巴黎及里昂,马赛等地图上的法国城镇均为固定不变的城堡类型Paris, the capital of the Blue France side, and French towns on this map such as Lyon and Marseille are all of unchangeable type of Castle"
The good and evil were originally at odds, but somehow, the French Revolution had always been demonized, and Napoleon himself had even been blackened. The main reason is that the British have controlled international public opinion for hundreds of years, and elites and vested interest groups in various countries will actively cooperate with this tone of public opinion in order to implement stable hereditary rule internally. As long as the French Revolution is successfully demonized, or at least not actively praised, then if the people of various countries rise up or undergo major or minor revolutions in the future, there will be no good image. Therefore, this period of history, which was originally a battle between good and evil, now appears to be shaped like an ordinary history of national wars. Justice is covered up, while evil is whitewashed. So we must justify the truth of history, resolutely emphasize that long-lost fact and truth in virtual games, and widely spread it among the crowd, striving to restore the lost god's will and justice in the next era of history, so that the history that has been wrong for hundreds of years can at least be rolled back to its original starting point. So as the protagonist of this map, France side must be an unshakable castle race, representing the supreme justice.We hereby affirm and praise the French Revolution with a clear stance and banner; Clearly point out that the so-called anti French alliance such as the UK is actually the reactionary and evil party and criticize it








The necropolis race represents darkness and reaction, so it was arranged that those major forces of the Anti-French League who intervened in the French Revolution could choose the necropolis, the creatures of the necropolis race moved slowly and hobbled, they were suitable for the British and Austrian armies which showed less mobility.In addition, the tan color of the appearance of the dungeon towns was close to the color style of the buildings in the Austrian Empire, thus allowing Austria to choose the dungeon race and to use it as Austrian standard race.






Since russia is a high latitude region, it is russia can choose tower.In addition, Russia is located in Eastern Europe, has a big nomadic ethnic component and has the characteristics of a stronghold,Coupled with the fact that the Russian army at that time could sacrifice logistics and other life support to fight, Russian soldiers were usually able to fight under difficult circumstances, as if they didn't want to live, which was also close to the barbaric characteristics of the creatures of the stronghold, and therefore made the stronghold the standard race of Russia







里约热内卢Rio de Janeiro


Spain embodies the shadow of Arabs in terms of ethnic composition and cultural architectural style, while the appearance style of towns in Inferno and appearance of creature Sultan are all epitomes of Arab culture. Therefore, Inferno became the standard race of Spanish side. In addition, Spain and Portugal have a large number of colonies in South America, thus also opening up fortress town types. Finally, due to the existence of the Habsburg dynasty in Spain in history, the Austrian standard race - the dungeon - was also brought over for Spanish side to choose from.

(Purple)South America(Sa)




布宜诺斯艾利斯Buenos Aires

South America inherited a lot of Spanish culture as well as architecture, so the South American forces can choose the inferno race.North and South America because it was still a colonial state, there are large areas of undeveloped countryside, so they two can choose the Rampart.In addition, within the control of their two sides, there are numerous tropical rainforests, Native American tribes, and Native American villages or ruins - all of which have a very similar appearance to the appearance and the environment of fortress towns. Therefore, open fortress towns for their two sides.South America has many tropical rainforest, and Indian Maya civilization is particularly rich, so take fortress as its standard race

(Teal)North America(Na)



纽约城New York City

圣奥古斯都St. Augustine

North and South America because it was still a colonial state, there are large areas of undeveloped countryside, so they two can choose the Rampart.In addition, within the control of their two sides, there are numerous tropical rainforests, Native American tribes, and Native American villages or ruins - all of which have a very similar appearance to the appearance and the environment of fortress towns. Therefore, open fortress towns for their two sides.And South America has already occupied the fortress as a standard race, so take Rampart as standard race of North America .As for why North America was also allowed to choose the necropolis, because the North American colonial society at that time was at a special time turning point, the metropolis was emerging, and gradually withering early colonial era country houses are also very much, and their cold condition is as gloomy as the architecture of the necropolis city



Tower塔楼               汉堡Hamburg
Sweden has nothing to say, it is of high latitude, except the castle race ,which can be choosen by eight nations , only suitable for the tower, and take tower as its standard race
注释Note(对应纵列的归纳总结Summary of the Corresponding Vertical )
可见八个势力的本位种族恰好都不一样It can be seen that the Standard races of the eight sides happen to be different
可见城堡(人)族是本地图八个势力开局都可以选择的,而这便是本地图的一大重要理念----即在本地图是一张死亡阴影原版地图的基础上,又使得城堡(人)族这个最为经典的种族能够在玩家扮演本地图任何一个势力时都可以被选择来作为其城镇类型。地图给玩家带去的亲切感因此得到了双重保障。此外,结合地图的背景来谈,拿破仑战争前后的时代在战争史上被称为线列步兵时代,这一时代的作战方式就是步兵结成方阵,肩并肩扛枪迈步、刺刀向前--这跟城堡枪兵的形象非常吻合,因此假如玩家给八个势力都设定成城堡族,那么将会使得各势力的一众首都及主要陪都的城镇类型统统为城堡城,接下去游戏过程中枪兵将会几乎无处不在,这一定会非常有意思,这种模式同时也将最接近于反映真实的拿破仑战争;因为与之相反,玩家如果给八个势力都设定成不同的城镇类型,枪兵人族射手人族骑兵这些人族生物的出场率降低、同时其他各异的各族生物出场率增加,那样的话整个游戏过程则会更偏向具有强烈的魔幻色彩一些。 It can be seen that the castle (human) race can be chosen at the beginning by all the eight sides of this map , and this is a major concept of this map ---- that on the basis of this map is a shadow of death version map, but also make the castle (human) race, the most classic race can be chosen as its town type when the player plays any of the sides of this map. The intimacy of the map to the players is thus doubly guaranteed. In addition, combined with the background of the map, the era before and after the Napoleonic Wars is known in the history of warfare as the era of line infantry, the way of combat in this era is to form a square formation of infantry, shoulder to shoulder carrying guns and bayonets forward - this is very consistent with the image of the castle pikemen, so if the player set all eight sides into the castle race, then it will make the capital of each side and their main accompanying capital of the town type are all castle,then pikemen will appear almost everywhere in the whole game progress ,This will be very interesting, and this model will also be the closest to reflect the real Napoleonic Wars; because, on the contrary, if the player sets the eight sides into different town types, the rate of appearance of the pikemen, human shooters, human cavalry and other castle races of creatures will be reduced, and the rate of appearance of other different races of creatures will be increased, then the whole game progress will be more strongly inclined to have a strong magical color.
将鼠标悬停于此Hover your mouse over this
将鼠标悬停于此Hover your mouse over this
将鼠标悬停于此Hover your mouse over this
将鼠标悬停于此Hover your mouse over this
将鼠标悬停于此Hover your mouse over this
将鼠标悬停于此Hover your mouse over this
将鼠标悬停于此Hover your mouse over this
将鼠标悬停于此Hover your mouse over this

这些随势力选择的城镇类型同步改变的地图城镇通常都是各势力的陪都或重要城镇,但基本不是都城,因为首都往往是固定不变的城镇类型,你可要将鼠标停留在这些城镇的上方查看都城们的情况。此外,随某个势力选择的城镇类型同步改变的地图城镇不一定开局处在该势力的控制下,例如太子港是随紫色南美势力选择的城镇类型同步改变的,但该城开局位于蓝色法国控制下,要等到Day 2海地革命事件发生后方为紫色英雄所攻占。但绝大多数时候随某个势力选择的城镇类型同步改变的地图城镇要么开局就是由该势力所控制;要么就是地理上在该势力辐射范围内(较容易被该势力攻占),如慕尼黑之于奥地利势力;再要么就是从历史上讲虽然长期实际受该势力控制但本地图中安排该势力要通过走剧情线才能获取,如里约热内卢之于西班牙葡萄牙势力。These map towns that change in tandem with the town type chosen by the side are usually the accompanying capital or important towns of each side, but are basically not capitals, as capitals tend to be a fixed town type, and you may want to hover your mouse over these towns to see what is happening in the capitals. For example, Port-au-Prince changed with the town type chosen by the purple South American side, but the town started under the control of the blue French and was captured by the purple heroes only after the Day 2 Haitian Revolution. But most of the time, the map town that changes with the town type chosen by a side is either controlled by that side at the beginning; or it is geographically within the radius of the side (easier to be captured by that side), such as Munich for the Austria side; or historically speaking, although it is actually controlled by that side for a long time, this map arranges that side to capture it by walking the plot line, such as Rio de Janeiro for the Orange side


What is side's Standard race何为本位种族

In a literal sense, side's Standard race is a unchangeable race officially assigned to each side by the Author of this map. In the early Beta versions of this map, each side had only one selectable race, i.e. town type, and the race was default and unchangeable when players took that side. By the time of the 1.0 release, each of the eight sides was given choices of race (town type) as shown in the table above, which all Preserving reference history and cultural as premise . So lead to situation now that when the player choose a certain side, choose an optional race type for it, it can change town type of some city of the map closely related to the side,, for example, choose the tower race for the United Kingdom , then Glasgow and Quebec will be the tower; also if choose the Rampart for it, then Glasgow and Quebec will be the Rampart. But the capital of most sides remains unchangeable, which is also its Standard race, such as the British capital London is still fixed as a cemetery, the Austrian capital Vienna is still Dungeon, but of course you can make the cities of Prague and Budapest be castles by choosing castle race for the Austrian.As the map project team, I welcome players to choose to use the Standard race of one side to play the map.

From a deeper perspective, the Standard race of a side is the race that matches the side most, for example, culturally, the architecture of London, England is closest to the appearance of Necropolis City. At the same time, the central idea of this map is to highly affirm and praise the French Revolution, and the main theme is to firmly justify the French Revolution and the great Napoleon, so France is the positive image of the side, and Britain and other reactionary countries that interfered in the French Revolution and destroyed the revolutionary process are the negative image of the side. Therefore, it is also deduced that England should take the Necropolis as the Standard race, and the righteous France should take the Race of Human(Angel) as the Standard race.

Again, the concept of the native race is interpreted from the perspective of the game and the map itself. The plot line of each side of the map is closely related to its Standard race, for example, in one side's plot line ,side can meets some Pandora's Box with the reward creatures inside ,and these creatures will usually be the creatures of the Standard race of this side. For example, France often has some divisional generals as NPC monsters, usually are angels, cavalries; Austrian army generals NPC monsters are often red/black dragons. More importantly, the racial composition of the heroes of one side is generally from its Standard race of game Prototype Hero as the base board, for example, the French heroes are often the heroes of the castle race base board design, the British guys occupy positions of the Necropolis race of game Prototype Hero.