3.大西洋革命战纪 1.0简介Atlantic Revolutions 1.0(Introduction)

英三制图史已走过数载,国内外论坛的地图剧情在面观上不乏各类中外历史题材,在历史史诗人物传记等类地图中,从上至罗马帝国,十字军,大航海,到二战等都有一定的地图已经存在,但唯独拿战题材这一被战棋类玩家所广为论道的题材却一直缺失。在一众拿战爱好者的共同努力下,基于英雄无敌3为平台的拿破仑战争时代背景的地图现完成1.0版本的发布工作。The history of homm3 map making has gone through several years, and there is no shortage of map plots in domestic and international forums on various Chinese and foreign historical themes,In the historical epic biographies and other classes of maps, from the Roman Empire, the Crusades, the Great Voyage, to World War II and so on, there are certain maps that already exist,but the only one that has been widely discussed by wargame players has been missing ,that is the one of napoleonic era. With the joint efforts of a group of war enthusiasts, the map based on the Napoleonic War era background of the platform of homm 3 is now completed 1.0 version of the release work.

i.大西洋革命是十八世纪末十九世纪初的革命浪潮。从 1760 年代到 1870 年代,它与大西洋世界有关。本地图聚焦从1775莱克星顿打响第一枪的北美独立战争,经1789年7月14发生在法国轰轰烈烈的大革命,1799至1815欧陆拿破仑战争,以及1810就开始的拉美独立战争.短暂的三十多年间,无尽的革命与战争大事记正如大西洋那奔腾不止的浪花,推着蒸汽时代西方那个悲惨而又恢弘的世界里无数人物的命运,在战争与和平之中,汇成波澜壮阔的篇章。故本地图的中文名称取‘大西洋革命战纪’,英文名称 ‘Atlantic Revolutions’。‘革命‘二字是本地图的中心与主旨,本地图的诸多维度均带有革命色彩。第一是制图宏观历史背景革命:一改往日国人制历史图始终跳不出中国古代封建王朝斗争如三国元明亦或是中国式武侠改编的框架束缚,本图全新全线地将世界观建设于历史真实可考的西方近代资产阶级革命-拿破仑时代,并尽可能完整地向玩家呈现出本地图中被魔幻演绎的那个时代大西洋世界无比恢弘的历史大故事,在英雄无敌三的世界里为战棋爱好者勾勒出一幅尽可能史诗般的革命大西洋画卷,地图文本信息量达到近150W字符(无任何累赘重复性的多余文字)。The Atlantic Revolution was a revolutionary wave of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. It was associated with the Atlantic world from the 1760s to the 1870s. This map focuses on the North American War of Independence from 1775, when the first shots were fired at Lexington, through the Revolutionary Revolution that took place in France on July 14, 1789, the Napoleonic Wars in Europe from 1799 to 1815, and the Latin American War of Independence that began in 1810. In a short period of more than thirty years, the endless revolution and war events are like the rushing waves of the Atlantic Ocean, pushing the fate of countless people in the tragic and magnificent world of the West in the age of steam, in the midst of war and peace, converging into a magnificent chapter. Therefore, the Chinese name of this map is 'Atlantic Revolutions' and the English name is 'Atlantic Revolutions'. The word 'revolution' is the center and main theme of this map, and many dimensions of this map have revolutionary color. The first is the macro-historical background of the map-making revolution: for a change, the homm 3 historical map always cannot jump out of the framework of the ancient Chinese feudal dynasties' struggle such as the Three Kingdoms, Yuan and Ming or Chinese martial arts adaptations, this map is a new full-line worldview construction in the historically realistic Western modern bourgeois revolution - Napoleonic era, And as complete as possible to present to the player that era's Atlantic world incomparable historical story which was magically interpreted in this map, to outline a picture of the revolutionary Atlantic as epic as possible in the world of Homm3 for wargaming fans , the map text information amount reaches Nearly 150W characters (without any redundant and repetitive extra text).

ii.第二是地图制作语言革命:两个地图h3m文件,实则完全一致,只是Atlantic Revolutions 1.0.h3m的地图内文案为全英文(制作地图时是以英文进行的以保证地图内所有文案、资料的准确度,并面向国外homm3玩家);而大西洋革命战纪 1.0.h3m则为Python对Atlantic Revolutions 1.0.h3m执行汉化后的完全中文版本。这在整个英雄无敌国内外制图史上都是前所未有的,虽然在过去部分外文地图也有国内玩家手动在地图编辑器里的汉化工作,国内的一些著名的地图也被翻译成英文发至国外社区过,以前国内玩家在汉化一些外文地图时也有使用TXT文档法翻译,但仍需逐条进行,并有出现格式问题而装载失败的风险,整个过程通常十分艰难,最终导致国内外地图始终有语言上难以消除的隔阂。但本地图采取的TXT配合独创的Python自动化技术这一全新概念可以讲从根本上技术性地彻底永久解决了以上所讲的种种困难,实现了制图语言革命。The second is the map production language revolution: the two map h3m files, in fact, are identical, except that the text in the map of Atlantic Revolutions 1.0.h3m is all English (the production of the map is carried out in English to ensure the accuracy of all the text and information in the map, and for foreign homm3 players); while 大西洋革命战纪.h3m is a fully Chinese version of Python's implementation of the Atlantic Revolutions 1.0.h3m after Python's Chineseization. This is unprecedented in the entire history of mapmaking both inside and outside the country, although in the past some foreign maps have been manually Chineseized by domestic players in the map editor, and some famous domestic maps have been translated into English and sent to foreign communities. The whole process is usually very difficult, which eventually leads to a language gap between domestic and foreign maps that is difficult to eliminate. However, the concept of TXT with the new Python automation technology adopted in this map can be said to be a fundamental technical and permanent solution to all the above-mentioned difficulties and a revolution in the mapping language.点击此链接,了解Python翻译技术的工作原理Click on this link to learn how Python translation technology works

【游戏本体】: Shadow Of Death死亡阴影原版3.2或4.0
【制作耗时】: 3000+小时
【制图工具】: 英3史诗级全能地图编辑器Unleashed Map Editor(打开及编辑本地图的H3M文件需要此款编辑器)
【游戏模式】:开放式混战+ SRPG解谜
【可选势力】:八国。红色—英国;蓝色—法国(革命法国及法兰西第一共和国至第一帝国时期); 褐色—神圣罗马帝国(即哈布斯堡奥地利);绿色—沙俄帝国;橙色—西班牙;紫色—南美独立势力;青色—北美大陆军(北美独立实际早于本图主体剧情线的起点1789年十余载,但仍然以平行架空的方式由青色及红色共同作为各自的第一章节来被进行了演绎与呈现,完成后,红色才能开启第二章法国革命战争之第一次反法同盟,青色才能开启后续路易斯安那购买及1812年战争等后面的章节);粉色(本图C位国)—瑞典王国(为什么是瑞典,不是普鲁士?普鲁士在该时期是二流国家因此不设普鲁士。至于本地图英雄库中存在的布吕歇尔等少量普国将领,均并入绿色沙俄阵营,以及克劳塞维茨。他们也确实都曾被拿破仑打败后窜逃至俄军中服役。而该时代瑞典处于黄金时代,文坛及科技方面在西方世界处于较靠前位置,林奈等瑞典启蒙时代先贤的学徒们的足迹将遍及大西洋两岸;军事上瑞军的战力也能海上击败俄国海军—参见瑞典第一章1788瑞俄海战、陆上吃开欧陆拿战),特别是“叛徒”贝尔纳托特元帅以吸血鬼特英雄底板加入瑞典阵营,将与瑞典其他文人学者科学家发明家塔楼法师英雄如贝采利乌斯一起,使得瑞典这一阵营以小国身份C位出场。
【Game Version】: Shadow of Death (SoD)3.2 or 4.0
【Required patch】:HD 3.8 or higher (latest HD is 5.4); SoD_Sp plugin
【Map Size】: Double Layer Giant size (252*252*2)
【H3M size】: greater than 2MB,which is equivalent to three times or more of some well-known large Giant size maps in the past
【Map text information】: nearly 1,500,000 words
【Production time】:3000+Hours
【Mapping tools】:Unleashed Map Editor(You need this editor to open the H3M file of this map)
Note1:This map does not support 'validate map' in the editor. Some people may ask, "so Isn't it possible that there are bugs in the map that you haven't checked? Please rest assured that there are no bugs in this map, only that the map is too large and the 'validate map' function component is a bit overwhelmed, of course, we already checked the bugs by deeper technical method!
Note2:This is important,It mustn’t be HOTA!Hota seems to Compatible with any SOD super map,Nah!It can not compatible with this map anyway, by using Hota may seem like you can run this map,However that is a false!As the game progresses or when loading the GM1 file, errors will be reported, so there is no need to try Hota to run this map, which has proved not to be feasible
【Mapping style】: Magic Surrealism
【Background of the story】: Atlantic Revolution era(1775-1825)
【Main plot】: North American War of Independence, the French Revolution,Napoleonic Wars, South American War of Independence
【Plot category】: History War/Epic/Historical
【Aspect of the hero】:Celebrity legend biography
【Game Mode】: eight sides Scuffle style+Strategy Role-Playing Game
【Whether is a sea map】: Yes
【Map difficulty】: Impossible
【Optional sides】 : Eight countries. Red - the British Empire; blue - France (a period of revolutionary France to the napoleon Empire); brown - the Holy Roman Empire (that is, Habsburg Austria); green - Tsarist Russia Empire; orange - Spain Portugal dual kingdom (in fact, the two do not have excessive relations or even war - see the 1801 Spanish-Portuguese Orange War, but because this figure puts the two countries in this period of the characters in a camp for the sake of); purple - South American independence forces (led by Bolivar(Tazar) and the St. Martin(Gerwurf)); teal - North American Continental Army (North American independence actually earlier than this figure on timeline) The main plot line of the starting point of more than ten years in 1789, but still in a parallel way by the cyan and red together as the first chapter of their respective interpretation and presentation, after the completion of the red to open the second chapter of the French Revolutionary War of the first anti-French alliance, cyan to open the subsequent Louisiana Purchase and the War of 1812 and other later chapters); pink - the Kingdom of Sweden (why Sweden, not Prussia? Yes, it is Sweden, Prussia was a second-rate country in that period, so no Prussia was established. As for the small number of Prussian generals, such as Blücher, who exist in the hero pool of this map, they all merged into the green Tsarist camp, including Clausewitz, and they did all flee to serve in the Russian army after being defeated by Napoleon. In addition, Sweden was in a golden age during that era, with a prominent position in the West in terms of literature and technology, with apprentices of the Enlightened Sages such as Linnaeus spreading across both sides of the Atlantic; militarily the Swedish army was capable of defeating the Russian navy at sea (see Sweden Chapter 1, 1788, for the Russo-Swedish naval battle, and on land for the European land war), and especially the " Traitor" Marshal Bernadotte as vampire heroes Vokial to join the Swedish camp, will be with other Swedish literati scholars scientists inventors tower mage heroes such as Berzelius together make Sweden this camp to small country identity Centre position to join the map. 【Relevant quantity】:Because the map contains a wide range of European realistic military fortresses, and the town 48 is unbreakable, so the number of locations is much more than 144, which is precisely thanks to the function of SoD_Sp plug-in; resource mines are less, are established in Europe and the United States realistic mining areas such as Sicily sulfur mine, Spain Almaden mercury (mercury) mine, etc., but the map is scattered with more random resources, field battle can be accumulated like the 8xm8 map The economy, so that you can and the AI to keep around and wait for the opportunity to complete the main plot one by one; thousands of tasks guards and prophet huts (they contain a lot of text, the map stripped of Txt has nearly 2 million characters is mainly from this. I do not create information, but only the literature of the mover) to construct the main plot and branch lines of each country, as well as the arrangement of dozens of heroes of personal life adventure RPG, such as some Seer huts used to make a number of military generals exp career mode, some used in a particular location to literary scientists hero special achievements to get some special objects treasure magic.
下图为制图后期某次脚本执行的数量结果,包含了一部分关键建筑的数量。 The following chart is the result of the number of a certain script execution in the late stages of cartography, containing a part of the number of key buildings.

iv.第四是地图制图组的革命:本着传递价值的理念,本地图有幸在一个跨国群体内展开建议搜集,有Unleashed map editor、SoD_Sp的作者@Rosekavalierhc,以及@爱的燃火,@贤知有您,以及许多国内外玩家The fourth is the revolution of the map mapping group: in the spirit of passing on the value of the concept, This map has the honour of initiating the collection of proposals within a transnational group, @Rosekavalierhc, the author of SoD_Sp &Unleashed map editor, as well as @adrh, @贤知有您, and many domestic and international players
Atlantic Revolutions group number is 142340264, welcome heroes invincible three players / map authors to join the group to exchange our games and maps, and criticism of this map correction / suggestions
截至目前 1.0离不开以下展示制作组成员的参与及支持。 Up to now 1.0 cannot be achieved without the participation and support of the following members.



【地图测试】: @Peter3958

v.与早前的大西洋革命战纪beta1版本没有随机资源随机野怪相比,Beta2则已经全图加好了它们正式做完了地图,再经过一个更为优化的Beta3版本后,现在此 1.0则是具备正式海报及地图宣传片CG等全面内容的官方版本(特别是此宝典电子书也随 1.0一同发布)。18世纪末至19世纪初那恢弘的大西洋革命时代现已装进了本地图,请选择任何一个势力,开启大西洋革命时代往昔峥嵘的岁月----在魔法门英雄无敌三的平行时空里。玩家扮演了大西洋革命时代各国共济会等幕后及台前革命者团体的角色,代表革命力量,团结中立力量,与各国内外的保皇势力、敌国们的势力展开旷日持久的斗争。 Compared with the earlier Atlantic Revolutionary Warfare beta1 version without random resources random wildlife, Beta2 has been full map plus well they officially done the map,after a more optimized Beta3 version, this current 1.0 which containing the official poster and map promo CG and other comprehensive content then being the official version (especially this map Bible ebook also released with 1.0). late 18th century to early 19th century that magnificent Atlantic Revolutionary era is now loaded into this map, please choose any side to open the Atlantic Revolutionary Era of the past heady years ---- in the parallel time and space of Heroes of Might & Magic III. Players take on the role of the Masons and other revolutionary groups behind the scenes and in front of the stage during the Atlantic Revolutionary Era, representing the revolutionary forces and uniting neutral forces to wage a protracted struggle against the royalist forces and enemy powers at home and abroad.

vi.大西洋革命战纪 1.0.h3m则是用Python汉化机对Atlantic Revolutions 1.0.h3m文件处理后得到的完全中文字版地图(翻译接口自beta2起就新采用了Deepl翻译技术,并建立了针对本图的术语表,对本图中的地名人名等外语进行了专门处理。总的来说此1.0的中文版地图的中文质量比Beta3及早前的地图档有了巨大提升)。(提供给英三地图党玩家一个福利,这套本人发展的机器汉化英三地图的脚本,任何需要全方位汉化的各版本英雄无敌三外文地图都可以将外文txt发送至我邮箱SIRGENT@Stateofwar.cn,我会回复汉化后的txt,将其在编辑器中Import回去即可。也可以发送完整的.h3m文件。)当然,稍作调整也可以将翻译的目标语言调整为其他语言,如法语等。Atlantic Revolutions 1.0.h3m is a fully Chinese version of the map obtained by processing the Atlantic Revolutions 1.0.h3m file with the Python Chinese machine (the translation interface has adopted the new Deepl translation technology since beta2, and has created a glossary of terms for this map, specializing in foreign languages such as the names of places and people in this map). The map has been processed. In general, the Chinese quality of this 1.0 map is much better than the Beta3 and early map files). (To provide a benefit to the players of the English III map party, this set of scripts I have developed for the Chinese translation of the homm III map.
Anyone who needs chinese versions of one homm3 map can send the foreign language txt of the map to me at
SIRGENT@Stateofwar.cn, I will reply you the Chinese txt after run it through the python scripts , you just import it in the editor back then you will get the chinese version. (You can also send the complete .h3m file.)Of course, it is possible to adapt the target language of the translation to another language, such as French, with some small adjustments on coding.点击此链接,了解Python翻译技术的工作原理Click on this link to learn how Python translation technology works



总之12个月不报错,已是对地图无显著报错风险的一个关键保证,即本图可视为无报错地图。谢谢阅读。This is the first SoD 252*252 size G map in China (most of the G size map in China are mainly under the HotA version, while HotA can run SoD diagrams below 144*144 size XL, but for SoD diagrams above 144 including G size such as this diagram is not runable, or said to be runable but error-prone) (of course, SoD is not runable) (of course, SoD cannot run any HotA map even of the smallest size). Therefore, the purpose and concept of this map is faithful to SoD. The original SoD G map does only need to have HD mods to run, such as a foreign SoD G map named 'WordForYou', which only needs any version of the game body with HD mods to run.
But because this map has a lot of break the conventional design, so you need a plug-in as support or enter the map that flashback, but according to the correct way to hang on the plug-in can make this map in the game to run successfully and will never report an error (in the theory), (the actual test show that this map did not appear slow like other oversized map after 12 months, basically did not appear card days, in case there is a card days please be patient) Wait, do not wait when your mouse or keyboard have extra output action, that will be very easy to cause a crash. If you really wait hopelessly can first try to cut back to the desktop and then re-enter the game approach, such as still can not be resolved, and then try to reread the basic can be over the day successfully.

In addition, this map will be faster when open to watch the computer action than not open to watch the computer action smooth, although even if not open, this map still faster than those map which is slow when endding turns. It is recommended to keep watching computer action on

In short, 12 months of no error reporting is a key guarantee that there is no significant risk of error reporting, i.e. this map can be considered as an error-free map. Thanks for reading.





viii.1.0发布后,beta系列将画上句号--1.0于今年2022年7月14日法国大革命纪念日当天在中外英雄社区同步上线。 After 1.0 release, the beta series will come to an end- 1.0 are to go live simultaneously in the Chinese and foreign hero communities on July 14, 2022, the anniversary of the French Revolution.