Revolutionary Atlantic 革命的大西洋
The subject of this map is the Atlantic Revolutions (North American War of Independence, French Revolution, Napoleonic Wars, South American War of Independence), which took place geographically on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic Ocean was the geographical center of the events of this revolutionary era, and revolutionaries sailed back and forth across this Atlantic Ocean in order to light the beacon of their ideals; at the same time, this revolutionary era was an era of sail battleships, and the compete of navy and naval battles in the Atlantic Ocean often had a direct impact on the control of the colonial economies, imperial struggles and the course of the revolution. It was difficult for revolutionaries to gain a foothold if they lacked knowledge of the sea, or if they were isolated from the Atlantic Ocean and do activities limited to a certain area of land, and because of this, most revolutionaries established communities on both sides of the Atlantic and sought alliances to maximize the Atlantic Ocean and use it to promote their revolutionary ideas. This is why the Atlantic Ocean of this period is called the Atlantic Ocean of the Revolution,abbreviated as Revolutionary Atlantic.
In the underground part of this map, in the area shown below (located near the Azores), an abstract area in a red box is constructed, containing a city in the clouds (symbolizing the player's ability to recruit revolutionaries from the transatlantic community), two battle flags (symbolizing revolution), and several blue events related to the Revolutionary Atlantic, which players can discover for themselves when sailing through the area and the meaning behind them.
比较值得一提的是(175,210,1)的这个事件,它的内容如下:公海上的叛变和革命的全球遗产。 叛变像野火一样烧毁了革命时代的木制战舰。当欧洲的平民围攻贵族,被奴役的工人将火炬烧向种植园的岛屿时,在大洋上,数以万计的海军海员将枪口对准了甲板,推翻了船长们的绝对统治。到19世纪初,在北大西洋服役的所有海军海员中,有三分之一到二分之一的人至少参加过一次兵变,其中许多人参加过几次兵变,有些人甚至在不同海军的船上。血腥的旗帜,十年来船上的暴力冲突如何催生了一种独特的激进政治形式,将北大西洋海上社区的平等主义文化与革命时代的 "宪法共和主义 "结合起来。建立激进的海上共和国的尝试失败了,但从叛变船只的桅杆上飘扬的红旗幸存下来,成为阶级斗争、经济正义和共和自由的最持久的全球象征,直到今天。
Noteworthy is this event in (175, 210, 1), which reads as follows:The global legacy of mutiny and revolution on the high seas.
Mutiny tore like wildfire through the wooden warships of the age of revolution. While commoners across Europe laid siege to the nobility and enslaved workers put the torch to plantation islands, out on the oceans, naval seamen by the tens of thousands turned their guns on the quarterdeck and overthrew the absolute rule of captains. By the early 1800s, anywhere between one-third and one-half of all naval seamen serving in the North Atlantic had participated in at least one mutiny, many of them in several, and some even on ships in different navies. The Bloody Flag, how a decade of violent conflict onboard gave birth to a distinct form of radical politics that brought together the egalitarian culture of North Atlantic maritime communities with the revolutionary era’s constitutional republicanism. The attempt to build a radical maritime republic failed, but the red flag that flew from the masts of mutinous ships survived to become the most enduring global symbol of class struggle, economic justice, and republican liberty to this day.
These insurgents guard an additional pendant of freewill.
The surface part of the map is vast, but the waterways are crisscrossed and the water area is not small; the underground part of America is surrounded by the blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean. If players can set sail on the revolutionary Atlantic Ocean as soon as possible, they will be able to seize all kinds of resources in the water and develop their economy better.