
Has the course of History been directed by a small group of people with common interests? The paintings and pictures of the great men of the past centuries reveal a common thread which links them together. Is it a coincidence that many of them hid one of their hands when posing for a portrait? It seems unlikely. We’ll look at the Masonic origin of the “hidden hand” and the powerful men who used the sign in famous portraits.

Stalin and Washington – two opposing ideologies, one hand gesture
“Today’s thinking toward a democratic world state is neither a new trend nor an accidental circumstance; the work of setting up the background of knowledge necessary to the establishing of enlightened democracy among all nations has been carried on for many hundreds of years by secret societies.”
“今天对民主世界国家的思考既不是一种新的趋势,也不是偶然的情况; 秘密社团数百年来一直在进行建立各国间开明民主所必需的知识背景的工作。”
-Manly P. Hall, Secret Destiny of America
——曼利 · p · 霍尔,《美国的秘密命运》
Is there a hidden force behind the world events of the past centuries? Are the fall of European monarchies, the bringing forth of the Age of Enlightenment and our path towards a world democracy part of a great plan lead by a “hidden hand”? Before the advent of mass media, portraits depicting their leaders in majestic poses were the only artifacts people had. Do these portraits have an occult meaning?
One of those poses is the “hiding of the hand”. I remember my history teacher trying to explain why Napoleon was often shown with a hand inside his shirt. The common explanation went along these lines:
“Many theories have been presented as to why Napoleon is traditionally depicted with his hand in his waistcoat. Some of these theories include: he had a stomach ulcer, he was winding his watch, he had an itchy skin disease, in his era it was impolite to put your hands in your pockets, he had breast cancer, he had a deformed hand, he kept a perfumed sachet in his vest that he’d sniff surreptitiously, and that painters don’t like to paint hands”“关于为什么传统上描绘拿破仑时手放在背心上,人们提出了许多理论。其中一些理论包括: 他有胃溃疡,他在上发条,他有皮肤病,他的时代把手放在口袋里是不礼貌的,他有乳腺癌,他有一只畸形的手,他在背心里放着一个香水瓶,他会偷偷地嗅,画家不喜欢画手
-Tom Holmberg 汤姆 · 霍姆伯格
Unless all the individuals discussed in this article had stomach ulcer or deformed hands, the gesture of hiding one’s hand simply has to have a specific meaning. It does. Most of the people using this sign are proven (and often enthusiastic) members of the Freemasons. Considering the great importance of this gesture in Masonic rituals and the fact that all of the elite were either part of Freemasonry or knew of it, it is simply impossible that the recurrence of this sign could be the result of a coincidence. The “hidden hand” can, in fact, be found in the rituals of the Royal Arch Degree of Freemasonry and the world leaders that use this sign are subtly saying to other initiates of the order: “This is what I’m part of, this is what I believe in and this is what I’m working for”.
除非本文中讨论的所有人都有胃溃疡或手部畸形,否则隐藏自己手的动作必须具有特定的含义。的确如此。大多数使用这个星座的人都是共济会的成员。考虑到这个手势在共济会仪式中的重要性,以及所有精英要么是共济会的成员,要么知道这个手势,这个手势的重复出现不可能是巧合。事实上,在共济会大拱门的宗教仪式中可以找到“隐藏的手”,使用这个标志的世界领袖们巧妙地对其他同修说: “这是我的一部分,这是我的信仰,这是我正在为之努力的东西。”。



The Triple Tau 三头
The Royal Arch Degree (the 13th degree of the Scottish Rite or the 7th degree of the York Rite) is also known as the Mason of the Secret. During this Degree, initiates are said to receive great Masonic truths.
“The members of this Degree are denominated 发言人说: 「本学位课程的学员companions, and are “entitled to a full explanation of the 同伴,并有权”充分解释mysteries of the Order”; whereas in the former Degrees they are recognized by the common, familiar appellation of brothers, and kept in a state of profound ignorance of the 而在以前的学位中,他们是通过常见的熟悉的兄弟称谓而被认出来的,并且处于极度无知的状态sublime secret which is disclosed in this Chapter. This accords with the custom of Pythagoras, who thus distinguished his pupils. After a probation of five years, as stated before, they were admitted into the presence of the preceptor, called his 在这一章中所揭示的崇高的秘密。这符合毕达哥拉斯的习俗,毕达哥拉斯因此区分了他的学生。经过五年的试用期后,如前所述,他们被接纳到教师面前,称为他的companions, and permitted  to converse with him freely. Previous to the expiration of that term he delivered his instructions to them from behind a screen”并允许自由地与他交谈。在任期届满之前,他从屏风后面向他们发出指示
-John Fellows, Fellows’s Inquiry into the Origin, History, and Purport of Freemasonry 年的今天,约翰 · 费洛斯,《费洛斯对共济会的起源、历史和主旨的探究》
“If we pass on to the Royal Arch, we receive a wonderful accession of knowledge, and find every thing made perfect; for this is the nec plus ultra of Masonry, and can never be exceeded by any human institution.”“如果我们继续前进到皇家拱门,我们就会获得一种奇妙的知识,并发现每一件事情都是完美的; 因为这是砌体的必要加上极限,任何人类机构都无法超越。”
-George Oliver, Lectures on Freemasonry 年的今天,乔治 · 奥利弗,共济会讲座
It is during this degree that the initiate learns the sacred name of God.
“A Degree indescribably more august, sublime, and important than any which precede it, and is, in fact, the summit and perfection of ancient Masonry. It impresses upon our minds a belief in the being of a God, without beginning of days or end of years, the great and incomprehensible Alpha and Omega, and reminds us of the reverence which is due to His Holy NAME.”“一个比它之前的任何一个都要庄严、崇高、重要得难以形容的程度,实际上是古代砖石学的顶峰和完美。它使我们的心灵深深相信上帝的存在,没有开始的日子,也没有结束的年头,伟大而难以理解的阿尔法和欧米加,并提醒我们对他的圣名的敬畏。”
-George Oliver, Historical Landmarks - 乔治 · 奥利弗,历史地标
This holy name is Jahbulon, a combination of words meaning “god” in Syriac, Chaldaic and Egyptian.
这个神圣的名字是 Jahbulon,是叙利亚语、迦勒底语和埃及语中意为“神”的单词的组合。
“JEHOVAH. Of the varieties of this sacred name in use among the different nations of the earth, three particularly merit the attention of Royal Arch Masons:
1. JAH. This name of God is found in the 68th Psalm, v. 4.
1. 耶和华。这神的名见于诗篇六十八篇第四节。
2. BAAL OR BEL. This word signifies a lord, master, or possessor, and hence it was applied by many of the nations of the East to denote the Lord of all things, and the Master of the world.
3. ON. This was the name by which JEHOVAH was worshiped among the Egyptians.”这就是耶和华在埃及人中被敬拜的名字
-Malcolm C. Duncan, Duncan’s Masonic Ritual and Monitor 年的今天,马尔科姆 · c · 邓肯,《邓肯的共济会仪式》和《监视者》
The initiation ritual to this degree re-enacts the return to Jerusalem of three Most Excellent Masons who were held captive in Babylon. I won’t go through the whole ceremony and symbolism but at one point, the initiate is asked to learn a secret password and a hand sign in order to go through a series of veils. The following image depicts the hand sign required to go through the second veil, as documented in Duncan’s Masonic Ritual and Monitor:

“Master of Second Veil: “Three Most Excellent Masters you must have been, or thus far you could not have come; but farther you cannot go without my words, sign, and word of exhortation. My words are Shem, Japhet, and Adoniram; my sign is this: (thrusting his hand in his bosom); it is in imitation of one given by God to Moses, when He commanded him to thrust his hand into his bosom, and, taking it out, it became as leprous as snow. My word of exhortation is explanatory of this sign, and is found in the writings of Moses, viz., fourth chapter of Exodus”:
第二层面纱的主人: “你们一定是三位最杰出的大师,否则你们不可能到这里来; 但是如果没有我的话,我的信号和劝告,你们就不能到这里来。我的话是闪、雅弗特和亚多尼拉姆,我的记号是这样的: (把手放在他的怀里) ,这是模仿上帝给摩西的一个记号,当他命令摩西把手放在他的怀里,拿出来的时候,手就像雪一样长了大麻疯。我的劝勉之词解释了这个记号,可以在摩西的著作中找到,也就是《出埃及记》第四章:
“And the Lord said unto Moses, Put now thine hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom; and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow”耶和华对摩西说、你把手放在怀里。他就把手放在怀里,伸出来的时候,不料手长了大麻疯,像雪一样
-Malcolm C. Duncan, Duncan’s Masonic Ritual and Monitor 年的今天,马尔科姆 · c · 邓肯,《邓肯的共济会仪式》和《监视者》
As stated above, this hand gesture is said to be inspired by Exodus 4:6. In this biblical verse, the heart (“bosom”) stands for what we are, the hand for what we do. It can thus be interpreted as :What we are is what we ultimately do. The symbolic significance of this gesture might explain the reason why it is so widely used by famous Masons. The hidden hand lets the other initiates know that the individual depicted is part of this secret Brotherhood and that his actions were inspired by the Masonic philosophy and beliefs. Furthermore, the hand that executes the actions is hidden behind cloth, which can symbolically refer to covert nature of the Mason’s actions. Here are some of the famous men who used this hand signal.
如上所述,这个手势据说是受到《出埃及记》4:6的启发。在这段圣经经文中,心(“怀抱”)代表我们是什么,手代表我们做什么。因此,它可以被解释为: 我们是什么,就是我们最终要做什么。这个姿势的象征意义可能解释了为什么它被著名的共济会成员广泛使用的原因。这只隐藏的手让其他提升者知道他所描绘的个体是这个秘密兄弟会的一部分,他的行动受到共济会哲学和信仰的启发。此外,执行行动的手是隐藏在布后面,这可以象征性地指的是共济会的行动的隐蔽性。下面是一些使用这个手势的名人。
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Napoleon, a known Mason in his study at the Tuileries, 18121812年,拿破仑,在杜伊勒里宫的书房中的著名石匠
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) was a military and political leader of France whose actions shaped European politics in the early 19th century. He was initiated into Army Philadelphe Lodge in 1798. His brothers, Joseph, Lucian, Louis and Jerome, were also Freemasons. Five of the six members of Napoleon’s Grand Councel of the Empire were Freemasons, as were six of the nine Imperial Officers and 22 of the 30 Marshals of France. Bonaparte’s association with Masonry has always been played down in historical records. Masonic researcher J.E.S. Tuckett addresses the situation:
拿破仑(1769-1821)是法国的军事和政治领袖,他的行动在19世纪早期影响了欧洲的政治。他于1798年进入费城旅馆。他的兄弟约瑟夫、路西安、路易斯和杰罗姆也是共济会成员。拿破仑的帝国大理事会六位成员中有五位是共济会成员,九位帝国官员中有六位是共济会成员,法国30位元帅中有22位是共济会成员。波拿巴与砌体的联系一直被淡化在历史记录。共济会研究员 j.e.s. 塔克特解决了这个问题:
“It is strange that evidence in favor of the Great Napoleon’s membership of the Masonic Brotherhood has never been examined in detail, for the matter is surely one of interest, and – seeing the remarkable part that remarkable men played in the affairs of Europe, at a time when Continental Freemasonry was struggling out of chaos into regular order – it cannot be without an important bearing upon Masonic history”
In his essay on Napoleon and Masonry, Tuckett claims:
“There is incontestable evidence that Napoleon was acquainted with the nature, aims and organization of Freemasonry: that he approved of and made use of it to further his own ends”
无可争辩的证据表明,拿破仑熟悉共济会的性质、目的和组织: 他赞同并利用共济会来达到自己的目的

Napoleon was also said to be aided by occult powers. In 1813 he was defeated at Leipzip and behind him was  a “Cabinet of Curiosities” in which a Prussian officer discovered his Book of Fate and Oraculum. Originally this Oraculum was  discovered in one of the Royal tombs of Egypt during a French military expedition of 1801. The emperor ordered the manuscript to be translated by a famous German scholar and antiquarian. From that time onward, the Oraculum was one of Napoleon’s most treasured possessions. He consulted it on many occasions and it is said to have “formed a stimulus to his most speculative and most successful enterprises.”
据说拿破仑也得到了神秘力量的帮助。1813年,他在 Leipzip 被击败,在他身后是一个“珍奇屋”,其中一名普鲁士军官发现了他的命运之书和神谕。最初,这个神谕是在1801年法国军事远征期间在埃及皇家陵墓中发现的。皇帝命令一位著名的德国学者和考古学家翻译这份手稿。从那时起,神谕就成为拿破仑最珍贵的财产之一。他在许多场合参考了这份报告,据说这份报告“对他最具投机性和最成功的企业形成了一种刺激”

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卡尔 · 马克思

Karl Marx is known today to be the founder of modern Communism. Despite being denied by some Masons, Marx is said to have been a 32nd degree Grand Orient Freemason. Marx became the spokesman of the atheist and socialist movement of Europe. He planned the replacement of monarchies with socialist republics, with the next step conversion to communist republics.
卡尔 · 马克思今天被认为是现代共产主义的创始人。尽管被一些共济会员否认,据说马克思是第32级大东方共济会员。马克思成为欧洲无神论者和社会主义运动的代言人。他计划用社会主义共和国取代君主制,下一步转变为共产主义共和国。
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乔治 · 华盛顿

George Washington was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States and is considered to be the “most important American Mason”. Charles Willson Pealed produced this painting when Washington was 52 years old. Notice the position of Washington’s feet: they form an oblong square. The position of the feet are of utmost importance in Masonic symbolism. Compare this with this excerpt from Duncan’s Ritual Monitor:
乔治 · 华盛顿是美国开国元勋之一,被认为是“美国最重要的共济会成员”。这幅画是查尔斯 · 威尔森 · 皮尔德在华盛顿52岁时创作的。注意华盛顿的脚的位置: 它们形成一个长方形的正方形。在共济会的象征主义中,脚的位置是最重要的。将这段话与邓肯的《仪式监视器》中的节选相比较:

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 沃尔夫冈·阿马德乌斯·莫扎特

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is considered to be one of the most prolific and influential composers of music ever. He also was a Freemason and was initiated in the Austrian lodge Zur Zur Wohltatigkeit on Dec. 14th 1784. Mozart’s creations often incorporated important Masonic elements. The Magic Flute opera was mainly based on Masonic principles.
沃尔夫冈·阿马德乌斯·莫扎特被认为是有史以来最多产和最有影响力的作曲家之一。他也是共济会员,并于1784年12月14日在奥地利的 Zur Zur wohlatigkeit 小屋受到启蒙。莫扎特的创作往往包含了重要的共济会元素。魔笛歌剧主要是基于共济会的原则。
“The music of the Freemasons contained musical phrases and forms that held specific semiotic meanings. For example, the Masonic initiation ceremony began with the candidate knocking three times at the door to ask admittance. This is expressed musically as a dotted figure: meanings. For example, the
“共济会的音乐包含具有特定符号意义的音乐短语和形式。例如,共济会的入会仪式开始时候,候选人敲门三次,要求准入。这在音乐上表达为一个虚线图形: 意义。例如:

This figure appears in Mozart’s opera The Magic Flute 这个人物出现在莫扎特的歌剧《魔笛》中in the overture, suggesting the opening of the Masonic initiation.”在序曲中,暗示了共济会的开始。”
- Katherine Thompson, The Masonic Thread in Mozart 年的今天,凯瑟琳 · 汤普森,《莫扎特的共济会之线》
The musical progression of The Magic Flute was based on the Golden Ratio (1,6180…), the proportion of everything that is considered divine by Mystery Schools.
《魔笛》的音乐进程是基于黄金分割率(1,6180...) ,这个比例是神秘学校认为的所有神圣事物的比例。
Here are compositions created by Mozart for use in Masonic lodges:
  • Lied (song) “Gesellenreise, for use at installation of new journeymen”
  • (歌曲)“ Gesellenreise,用于安装新的旅行者”
  • Cantata for tenor and male chorus Die Maurerfreude (“The Mason’s Joy”)
  • 为男高音和男声合唱而作的清唱剧《梅森的欢乐》
  • The Masonic Funeral Music (Maurerische Trauermusik)
  • 共济会葬礼音乐(莫雷里舍 · 特劳尔音乐)
  • Two songs to celebrate the opening of “Zur Neugekrönten Hoffnung”
  • 两首歌歌颂“ Zur Neugekrönten Hoffnung”的开幕
  • Cantata for tenor and piano, Die ihr die unermesslichen Weltalls Schöpfer ehrt
  • 为男高音和钢琴而作的康塔塔,这是一首非正统的世界歌曲
  • The Little Masonic Cantata (Kleine Freimaurer-Kantate) entitled Laut verkünde unsre Freude, for soloists, male chorus, and orchestra
  • 小共济会康塔塔(克莱恩自由-坎塔特)题为 Laut verkünde unsre Freude,为独奏者,男子合唱队,和管弦乐队
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Marquis de Lafayette was a 33rd degree Freemason. According to Willam R. Denslow’s 10,000 Famous Freemasons, Lafayette was a French military officer who was a general in the American Revolutionary War and a leader of the Garde Nationale during the bloody French Revolution. Lafayette was also made an honorary Grand Commander of  the Supreme Council of New York. More than 75 Masonic bodies in the U.S. have been named after him, including 39 lodges, 18 chapters, 4 councils, 4 commanderies, and 7 Scottish rite bodies.
拉法耶特侯爵是第33级共济会员。根据 Willam r. Denslow 的10,000个著名的共济会成员,Lafayette 是一名法国军官,他是美国独立战争中的一名将军,也是血腥的法国大革命时期国家卫队的领导人。拉法耶还被授予纽约最高委员会荣誉大司令。在美国有超过75个共济会团体以他的名字命名,其中包括39个分会、18个分会、4个委员会、4个指挥官和7个苏格兰仪式团体。
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萨洛蒙 · 罗斯柴尔德

Salomon Rothschild was the founder of the Viennese branch of the prominent Mayer Amschel Rothschild family. The most powerful family in the world has greatly influenced the policies of Germany, France, Italy and Austria. The Rothschilds are also the main players behind the creation of Zionism and the state of Israel.
所罗门 · 罗斯柴尔德是著名的迈尔·阿姆谢尔·罗斯柴尔德家族维也纳分支的创始人。世界上最有权势的家族对德国、法国、意大利和奥地利的政策产生了重大影响。罗斯柴尔德家族也是建立犹太复国主义和以色列国的主要参与者。
The power of the Rothschilds went way beyond the confines of the Masonic lodge. They are said to be part of the 13 “Illuminati Bloodlines”. An analysis of the recently built Supreme Court of Israel confirms the Rothschild’s embrace of Masonic symbolism.
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西蒙 · 玻利瓦尔

Known as “El Libertador” (the Liberator), Bolivar is considered to be the “George Washington of South America”. He joined Freemasonry in Cadiz, Spain, received the Scottish Rite degrees in Paris and was knighted in a Commandery of Knights Templar in France in 1807. Bolivar founded and served as master of Protectora de las Vertudes Lodge No. 1 in Venezuela. The country of Bolivia is named after him. Bolivar also served as the president of Colombia, Peru and Bolivia in the 1820?s. He belonged to the Order and Liberty Lodge No. 2 in Peru.
被称为“解放者”,玻利瓦尔被认为是“南美洲的乔治 · 华盛顿”。他加入了在加的斯的共济会,在巴黎获得了苏格兰仪式学位,并于1807年在法国圣殿骑士团被授予爵位。玻利瓦尔在委内瑞拉创立并担任保护委员会第一委员会主席。玻利维亚以他的名字命名。1820年,玻利瓦尔还担任过哥伦比亚、秘鲁和玻利维亚的总统?是的。他属于秘鲁的第二自由会。
Notice in the image above the position of his feet (oblong square) and the checkerboard pattern of the floor, also Masonic. His stance might have been inspired by the Knights of Christian Mark Degree as depicted below in Richardson’s Monitor of Freemasonry:

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约瑟夫 · 斯大林

Stalin’s reign of terror in the Soviet Union  lead to the deaths of millions of his own countrymen. He is often shown in pictures using the  hidden hand gesture. No official records have been found that prove Stalin’s initiation into Masonry. Of course, dictators such as Stalin tightly controlled  all information concerning themselves and their affairs, making it difficult to prove anything one way or the other. The hiding of his hand, however,  provides an initiate’s clue to his possible allegiance to an occult brotherhood.

After being shot in 1940, the young man on the right has been edited out by Stalin’s people. 在1940年被枪杀后,右边的年轻人已经被斯大林的人删除了
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As seen above, thee leaders using the “hidden hand” gesture had a great influence on world history and many were confirmed Masons. This gesture is an obvious yet widely overlooked detail which hints at the leader’s embrace of occult philosophy. By understanding this fact and by recognizing the IMMENSE influence these leaders had on the course of History, we can begin to realize the hidden force which is currently steering the world toward international democracy.
Members of these brotherhoods might have maintained different opinions and even adhered to different factions (communism vs. capitalism), but the fundamental philosophy, beliefs and ultimate goals are still the same: the coming of an “Age of Reason and Enlightenment”. Of course, any serious researcher is already aware of the role of Masonry in the unfolding of world history. The “hidden hand” gesture, so often used by historical figures is simply the outward expression of this little known fact. As  Confucius said, “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” These people’s words and policies will eventually be twisted and forgotten, but their image will remain for the ages.

这些兄弟会的成员可能持有不同的观点,甚至坚持不同的派系(共产主义 vs 资本主义) ,但基本哲学、信仰和最终目标仍然相同: 即”理性和启蒙时代”的到来。当然,任何严肃的研究人员已经意识到砌体在世界历史演进中的作用。历史人物经常使用的“暗手”手势,只是这个鲜为人知的事实的外在表现。正如孔子所说: “符号和象征统治世界,而不是语言和法律。”这些人的言论和政策最终将被扭曲和遗忘,但他们的形象将留存至今。

Freemasons greet one another with a variety of handshakes, all based on one’s rank within the organization. “There is a handshake for each degree: Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master, i.e., the first three degrees and also in the higher degrees,” says Révauger. “Each rite has its own handshakes, so there is quite a variety. They are used during Masonic ceremonies.”

共济会员通过各种握手方式相互问候,这些握手方式都是基于他们在组织中的等级。“每个学位都有一个握手的机会: 学徒、入门和大师,也就是说,前三个学位和更高的学位。”。“每个仪式都有自己的握手方式,所以有很多种。它们被用于共济会的仪式。”

Therefore, in this map Atlantic Revolutions, the hidden hand, the Masonic hand is represented by the treasure free pendant, as Masonic stonemason special artifact Masonic stonemason special pass holder: Pendant of Free Will free pendant, and forbidden to generate randomly, the number of players in each camp to obtain are very limited and different, only the heroes of the Masonic membership already has one with their own at game start or make them go to their mother's lodge to get one. The function of the Pendant of Free Will is that it can be used to unlock some specific levels and to exchange value in some Prophet's Lodge.

因此在本地图大西洋革命战纪中,隐秘之手即共济会之手被宝物自由挂件来代表,作为Masonic stonemason special artifact共济会石匠特殊通持物:Pendant of Free Will 自由挂件,并禁止随机生成,玩家在每个阵营下所获得的数量均十分有限且不同,只有共济会会员身份的英雄开局自带或是令他们前往其母亲小屋获取。自由挂件的功能是,可以用作一些特定关卡的解锁,以及在一些先知小屋中进行价值交换。