主要事件指南Main Events guide

i.主要事件指南main events guide,囊括了地图主体通关故事情节的军政经济历史重大事件,共计112个条目。Main event guide, including the main body of the map through the storyline of the military ,political and economic history of major events, a total of 112 entries.

ii.八国事件指南中出现"inherit from main events guide NO.X继承自主要事件指南第X条“时,即可在主要事件指南main events guide的第X个条目查看具体历史意义。 When "inherit from main events guide NO.X" appears in the eight countries' event guides, you can check the specific historical significance in the Xth entry of this main event guide.

iii.其中灰色字体的是被舍弃的条目;蓝色字体和紫色字体是法国势力开局选择营救布里索或罗伯斯比尔产生的剧情分支内容,蓝色为营救布里索的内容,紫色为营救罗伯斯比尔的内容。The gray font is the abandoned entry; the blue font and purple font are the content of the plot branch generated by the French forces' opening choice of rescuing Brissot or Robespierre, blue for the content of rescuing Brissot and purple for the content of rescuing Robespierre.

中字(For the English version, please go to the bottom half of this page):

  1. 1789年714日:攻入巴士底狱0天“1月,1周,1天”亚诺逃离巴士底
  2. 721日至81日:斯特拉斯堡(721日),勒芒(723日),科尔马,阿尔萨斯和埃诺(725日)发生暴动和农民起义。7-9-11天“1月,1周,2天”内伊的千里撤退从莫斯科俄国战役蒙太奇到开局进行且必做任务否则巴黎这边前期剧情受阻7-9-11天,这里用‘现实历史-游戏时间尺度换算’具体分析一下,此条本身属性为3重日期差7-9-11,除以60后为7/60-9/60-11/60,再乘7后得49/60-63/60-77/60,再四舍五入后得1-1-1,精简为1天,加'1月,1周,1天'得“1月,1周,2天”(由于“1”小于一个游戏月包含的“28”天,因此也无需进行“除以28等转化计算”)
  3. 728日:雅克·皮埃尔·布里索开始公布爱国者的问题。14天“1月,1周,3天”再分析这一条:14/60*7等于1右六十分之38,四舍五入为2,加'1月,1周,1天'得“1月,1周,3天”。
  4. 827日:大会(National Constituent Assembly)通过了主要由拉斐特(Lafayette)起草的《人的权利和公民宣言》。44天“1月,1周,6天”第一周周日前亚诺要用纪念章进入圣礼拜堂地下找刺客总部(44/60*7=5右2/15,四舍五入取5,加'1月,1周,1天'得“1月,1周,6天”)
  5. 10月5日-6日,凡尔赛女子游行,把路易十六和家人从凡尔赛宫抓到巴黎杜伊勒里宫。83天“1,2,4”
  6. 11月:不列颠俱乐部在巴黎改建为多尼尼加斯人的圣霍诺尔修道院,该修道院以俗称“宪法之友”的名字而闻名,雅各宾派俗称雅各宾派成立109天“1,2,7”
  7. 1790.2.28大会废除了军官必须是贵族成员的要求229天”1,4,7”
  8. 714日:Fétede laFédération庆典在巴黎战神广场举行,庆祝革命一周年。国王和王后,国民议会,政府和大批群众参加了活动。拉斐特宣誓要“永远忠于国家,法律和国王;以最大的力量支持国民议会颁布并被国王接受的宪法”。此誓言由他的部队以及国王承担。在夏至联合会是在革命团结在巴黎所有不同派别的最后一个事件。365天 “2月,3周,2天”(这一年上半年还可以再在增加事件)
  9. 9月4日:财政部长内克(Necker)被解雇。国民议会负责国库送内政厅417天“2,4,1”
  10. 1021日:大会颁布法令,将三色旗取代法国君主制的白旗和鸢尾花作为法国的标志。464天 “2月,4周,6天”
  11. 11.27. :大会下令,所有神职人员必须向国家,法律和国王宣誓。500天“3,1,4
  12. 1791.1.4这天亚诺需在巴黎圣母院击杀西威特得到幻影之刃“3,1,7”
  13. 1.18又要去老教堂下水道杀乞丐之王,然后去贫民窟萨德侯爵处得到毒针(神兽之鬃)“3,2,1”

  14. 1月二十几号去谷物交易所访问杰曼npc,以解锁圣墓教堂“3,2,3”
  15. 1791228日:匕首日。拉斐特下令逮捕聚集在杜伊勒里宫以保护王室的400名武装贵族。他们在313日被释放可以引申为反法阵营增兵事件594-607天     “3月,2周,7天”-“3月,3周,2天”这条引出两个剧情分支1:13-14 2:17-18-
  16. 4.2日米拉波之死“3,3,4”亚诺追凶于圣礼拜教堂阁楼击杀贝莱克
  17. 620-21日:飞往瓦雷讷的航班。在620日至21日晚上,国王,王后及其子女滑出杜伊勒里宫,乘车向蒙梅迪方向逃跑。706-707天 “3月,4周,6天”-“3月,4周,6天”
  18. 625日:路易十六回到巴黎。大会暂停其职能,直至另行通知。711天 “3月,4周,7天”
  19. 75日:利奥波德二世皇帝发布《帕多瓦通函》,呼吁欧洲王室援助他的brother子路易十六。721天  “4月,1周,1天”
  20. 715日:国民议会宣布国王不受侵犯,无法接受审判。路易十六中止其职务,直至批准新宪法。731天  “4月,1周,2天”
  21. 716日:雅各宾派俱乐部中较为温和的成员脱离,成立了新的俱乐部斐杨君主立宪派Feuillants732天    “4月,1周,1天”
  22. 913日至14日:路易十六正式接受新宪法,月底National Legislative Assembly取代了National Constituent Assembly用上条得到的大使腰带解锁,效果是得到全法其他重要过境点的通关旅行许可从此基本可以造访整个法兰西地区。比如里昂西南的(41,153,0)山口隘口此外还可以得到丹东了791-792天     “4月,2周,2天”-“4月,2周,2天”
  23. 123日:路易十六的兄弟(普罗旺斯和阿图瓦的伯爵)拒绝返回法国,理由是“国王被关押在道义上和肉体上872天             “4月,3周,5天”
  24. 1228日:大会投票召集一支大规模的志愿者队伍来捍卫法国的边界897天 “4月,4周,1天”
  25. 1792123日:海地的奴隶起义导致巴黎的糖和咖啡严重短缺923天 “4月,4周,4天”突然来个惊喜扣资源
  26. 27日:奥地利和普鲁士在柏林签署军事协议,入侵法国并捍卫君主制。938天 “4月,4周,5天”
  27. 37日:不伦瑞克公爵被任命指挥奥地利-普鲁士联合入侵法国。967天 “5月,1周,2天”
  28. 420日:大会对波西米亚国王和匈牙利宣战,即对神圣罗马帝国宣战。1011天 “5月,1周,7天”
  29. 430日:政府下达了3亿美元的特派任务来资助战争。1021天      “5月,2周,1天”
  30. 56日:由德国雇佣军组成的皇家阿勒曼德军团(Régimentde Royal-Allemand cavalerie)离开法国军队,并加入了奥地利-普鲁士联盟1027天   “5月,2周,2天”再做入奥军主城事件

  32. 512日:萨克森(Saxe)和贝彻尼(Bercheny)的轻骑兵军团离开法国军队,加入了联盟。1033天 “5月,2周,3天”

  34. 6.20乔治·丹顿和cordeliers因不满立法议会而出现 ,且需要去年717火星大屠杀引一下1099天“5,2,7”得到丹东本人
  35. 725日:不伦瑞克宣言(Brunswick Manifesto -奥地利司令警告说,如果王室受到伤害,将进行“模范和永远难忘的复仇”1107天 “5月,3周,4天”
  36. 89日:副检察官乔治·丹顿和cordeliers另做事件(Georges Danton)和他的Cordeliers盟友接管了巴黎市政府,并建立了巴黎革命公社。他们拥有Hôtelde Ville酒店。他们将公社代表人数增加到288人。大会于810日承认他们为巴黎合法政府。送大本营1122-1123天              “5月,3周,6天”-“5月,3周,6天”
  37. 1792810日,杜伊勒里宫被暴民洗劫,国王的瑞士警卫队被处死1123天  “5月,3周,6天”,击杀宫楼顶部的鲁耶上尉
  38. 1792第一阶段 早期王党农民矮子,无时间限制,可以得到除了天赐神首之外的4个部件,用来和斩首路易后得到的神首组合成天赐神兵,彩蛋类事件朱安派王党叛乱   Chouannerie Rébellion
  39. 92日:投降不战的凡尔登不伦瑞克的部队1146天        “5月,4周,2天”
  40. 920日:新当选的全国代表大会即公约举行闭门会议第一届会议在沙杜Manège,杜伊勒里宫前骑术学校,并选举主席团,也就是公约National Convention来了,前任National Legislative Assembly关闭。在749名代表中,有113名是雅各宾派,他们在会议厅最高的长凳Montagne(山)中就座,因此,他们的绰号是Montagnards,即“登山者”成立并于9月22日宣布法兰西第一共和国并送议会1164天 “5月,4周,4天”
  41. 1120日:发现在王的的杜乐丽宫公寓衣橱德FER,含路易十六的秘密信件与米拉波铁保险柜与外国君主。1225天          “6月,1周,4天”
  42. 123日:雅各宾派领袖兼《公约》巴黎第一副主席罗伯斯庇尔要求将国王处死1238天   “6月,1周,5天”
  43. 126日:根据让·保罗·马拉特(Jean-Paul Marat)的提议,《公约》规定,每位代表必须分别和公开宣布对国王的死刑投票。

  44. 1793121日:路易十六,38岁,在革命广场(Place de laRévolution)上被断头台斩首。1287天  “6月,2周,4天”这3条杀王相关无论选罗还是布,必杀王。选罗开,再杀玛丽王后,然后不一定杀29吉伦特和布,杀王后得天使项链即可用来引出拿破仑去土伦首秀。然后可以再杀或不杀丹。选布杀王再杀马拉,杀玛丽王后,得拿破仑。 可以再杀罗。
  45. 37日:旺多(Vendée)战争开始。在法国中西部的旺代地区开始了武装起义1332天   “6月,3周,2天”
  46. 如果开局选罗,那这里开始山岳分支,紫色字体条目早期以罗确保山岳线,再以马拉接入时间线,得到汉里奥特62日雅各宾政变:在弗朗索瓦·汉里奥特(FrançoisHanriot)领导下的巴黎公社的无党派士兵和士兵占领了公约大厅,并迫使该组织投票选举逮捕29名吉伦丁斯(Girondins)代表以及两名部长ClaviéreLebrun。,1419天 “6月,4周,6天”
  47. 同一天立即需要抓住布里索
  48. 南特战役得到开利179362914467,1,2
  49. 1793.联邦党王党联合叛乱Insurrections royalistes et fédéralistes吉伦特人挣扎”8.25夺回马赛10.16波尔多从联邦人手“7,2,1”“7,2,7”这个战役把罗线接回了主线
  50. 如选布开局,这里开始青蓝色字体:早期以布确保吉线,以马拉杀国王得到神首,南特战役后开利杀后也能得拿破轮再以南特战役接上时间线,使713日:夏洛特·科迪(Charlotte Corday)在浴中暗杀了让·保罗·马拉特(Jean-Paul Marat)。在审判中,她宣称:“我杀了一个人以拯救十万。”1460天 “7月,1周,3天”这条直接把布线接回主线
  51. 727日:罗伯斯庇尔当选为公共安全委员会。1474天            “7月,1周,5天”
  52. 1793年8.2转移到礼宾部10月16日,安托瓦内特(Antoinette)被裁断。“7,1,6”“7,2,7”,现在可以去打杰曼了
  53. 823日大批征兵1501天 “7月,2周,1天”
  54. 年底前尽快击败杰曼得到拿破仑因为拿破仑要打土伦
  55. 917日:《公约》通过了新的《嫌疑法》,允许逮捕和迅速审判任何反对革命的嫌疑人。恐怖统治开始。1526天             “7月,2周,4天”
  56. 10.17Cholet-Savenay战役“7,27”,接上战役线的美因茨包围战
  57. 1030日:革命法庭判处21名吉伦丁斯议员死刑。1569天   “7月,3周,2天”118日:罗兰夫人在清洗吉伦丁斯(Girondins)时被断头台。在被处决之前,她哭了:“自由,以您的名义犯下的罪行!”1578天   “7月,3周,3天”
  58. 围攻昂热于1793年12月3日“7,3 ,6”,1793年12月12日至13日勒芒“7,3,7”,Battle of Savenay took place on 23 December 1793“7,4,1”Savenay连上了战役线
  59. 179445日:DantonDesmoulins在同一天被定罪并断头台。1726天 “8月,1周,6天”
  60. 624日:卡诺预见性地将巴黎大炮的大部分派往前线。1806天      “8月,3周,2天”
  61. 728日:罗伯斯庇尔被处决。1840天      “8月,3周,6天”
  62. 1795119日巴达维亚共和国成立2015天 “9月,2周,5天”
  63. 624日第二次旺代王党叛乱Deuxième Guerre de Vendée爆发2171天 “10月,1周,2天”
  64. 105日:武装的保皇派起义威胁《公约》。在保卫巴黎的保罗·巴拉斯(Paul Barras)的命令下,波拿巴将军率领军队抵抗起义。他使用火炮用霰弹分手叛军聚集在门前圣洛克教会,圣奥诺雷路。2274天“10月,2周,7天”
  65. 1026日:波拿巴被任命为内陆军总司令。2295天“10月,3周,3天”并得到长兄,
  66. 10.31,目录成立送国会230010,3,3
  67. 179622日:爱尔兰革命党领袖沃尔夫·托恩(Wolfe Tone)抵达法国,寻求军事支持以解放爱尔兰。2394天"10月,4周,7天"
  68. 1796年2.28拿奉命关Pan俱乐部,32日被任命为意大利总司令。任命波拿巴的动机很可能是出于政治目的。月底第二次旺带叛乱收场。2423天“11,1,3”“11,1,4”
  69. 39日拿和约瑟芬结婚2430天“11,1,5”得天使项链
  70. 79日厄尔巴岛被英国占领。2552天“11,3,5”英国线
  71. 179732日:目录授权法国军舰俘虏美国船只2778天“12,3,3”
  72. 614日:波拿巴在热那亚成立新政府,旨在建立新的利古里亚共和国。2892天“13,1,2”

  74. 1798118日:立法机关授权法国船只扣押携带英国商品的中立船只3110天"13,4,6"
  75. 126日:通讯录授权法国军队代表瑞士在沃州的起义,对瑞士政府进行干预3118天“13,4,7”开放时间限制
  76. 519日:波拿巴前往埃及临行前重要讲话3231天“14,2,7”
  77. 611日击败骑士团占领马耳他3254天“14,3,3”
  78. 95日:法国立法机关要求所有2525岁的法国人服兵役3340天“14,4,6”注意法国其他3城也有这个事件
  79. 124日:法国军队在哈瑟尔特(Hasselt)击败了比利时叛军并屠杀了叛乱分子。比利时农民起义的终结。3430天“15,2,2”
  80. 179933日:在俄土耳其舰队的长期围困下,法国部队在科孚岛投降3519天“15,3,6”俄国线
  81. 320日至21Battle of Ostrach3536天“15,4,1”奥军线
  82. 823Sidney Smith向波拿巴发送了一包法国报纸让他了解巴黎的事件Bonaparte随即离开军队前往法国航行3692天“16,2,5”
  83. 1023日:吕西安·波拿巴成为理事会五百的主席3753天“16,3,5”
  84. 119日雾月政变拿破仑成为第一执政3770天“16,3,7”
  85. 1799914-1800111日第三次旺带叛乱3714-3833天“16,2,7-16,4,7”
  86. 1798~1800.法美准战争Quasi-War海上过几招跟钱有关美国线再考虑
  87. 18001224日平安夜大街马车爆炸想暗杀拿破仑Plot of the rue Saint-Nicaise 4180天“18,2,6”
  88. In May19 1802, he instituted the Legion of Honour,20,3,2
  89. 1803430日路易斯安娜购买5037天“22,1,1”
  90. 1803518日英国向法国宣战,亚眠条约完了5055天“22,1,1”
  91. 1804321日处死Louis Antoine, Duke of Enghien5363天“23,2,5”
  92. 1804321Cambacérès拿破仑法典生效5363天“23,2,5”
  93. 18045.18批准12月4日拿破仑加冕皇帝,年底在Boulogne 成立Grande Armée23,3,3”“24,2,6
  94. 1805411日在圣彼得堡签署了一项结盟条约英俄同盟的奥地利,瑞典和那不勒斯最终将加入这一联盟而普鲁士再次保持中立5749天“24,4,7”瑞典线
  95. 180744日至12日马耳他英国外籍兵兵变 6472-6480天“27,4,7-28,1,1”英国线
  96. 1807318日至925日英国入侵奥斯曼北非Alexandria expedition of 1807失败1807Anglo-Ottoman War 6455-6646天“27,3,4-28,3,6”英国线舍弃
  97. 1808317The Tumult of Aranjuez西班牙人反对法国军事控制,几乎处死了外相戈多,王室逃亡法国保护的bayone城市6820天“29,2,6”
  98. 18085月马德里起义反抗缪拉,是年夏天拿破仑的哥来西班牙当皇帝,西班牙全国开始起义打击法军
  99. 180811月拿破仑带着拉纳亲征西班牙再次拿下马德里,1231日拿皇又得赶回国内留下苏尔特打coruna的英军???-7109
  100. 180976日拿破仑逮捕了梵蒂冈中的教皇庇护七世并将其押解回萨沃纳囚禁 7296天“31,2,5”比较负面暂时舍弃
  101. 18099-12Persian Gulf campaign of,英国捍卫霍尔莫兹航道削弱法国在阿曼影响力,英VS阿拉伯英国线
  102. 1805~1810.波美拉尼亚战争/法瑞战争Pomeranian War/Franco-Swedish War181016日,瑞典与法国签署了俄罗斯介导的《巴黎条约》,重新获得了波美拉尼亚,但其代价是加入了大陆体系  18101117日,瑞典被迫向英国宣战,并且占领了瑞典波美拉尼亚的所有英国商品。7480-7795天“32,1,6-33,2,7”
  103. 18101月拿破仑约瑟离婚暂时舍弃
  104. 181041和玛丽路易斯结婚7565天“32,3,1” 暂时舍弃
  105. 1810112日,伯纳多特庄严地进入斯德哥尔摩7780天“33,2,6”
  106. 1809~1811.毛里求斯/印度洋战役Mauritius/Indian Ocean Campaign英国完全控制了印度洋
  107. 1811.8月至9月英军入侵法属爪哇British Invasion of Java
  108. 1813 64Pläswitz的停战,812日奥地利再次宣战8725天“37,2,4”已包含在战役线的包岑战役(1813)
  109. 1813614日《赖兴巴赫条约》英国大手笔资助俄普8735天“37,2,5”俄军线
  110. 1813109日发布法令,命令280,000名士兵应征入伍,称为玛丽路易斯应征Marie-Louise (conscript) 8852天“37,4,4”
  111. 181311月盟军的法兰克福提案中提出了相对不错的和平条款,但遗憾拿破仑没接受12月条件更苛刻了更无法接受
  112. 1813127Battle of Bornhöved瑞典击败丹麦,3天后Sehested之战丹麦小胜8911天“38,1,4”
  113. 1814331日巴黎沦陷9025天“38,3,4”
  114. 181444日拿破仑被内衣等人逼宫 9029天“38,3,4”
  115. 1814414日拿在枫丹白露退位并试图自杀 9039天        “38月,3周,6天”
  116. 1814年4月20日他离开枫丹白露前往厄尔巴岛
  117. 181503.01, Napoleon landed at Golfe Juan, crossed the Alps and arrived in Grenoble where an army commanded by Ney awaited him.


  1. 1789年July 14: The storming of the Bastille 0 days "month 1, week 1, day1" Arno escapes from the Bastille
  2. July 21-August 1: riots and peasant uprisings in Strasbourg (July 21), Le Mans (July 23), Colmar, Alsace and Enoch (July 25). 7-9-11 days "month 1, week 1, day2" Ney's thousand-mile retreat from the Russian campaign ,a montage at the opening and The task must be done otherwise the plot in Paris will be unable7-9-11天,Here is a specific analysis using ' history - game time scale conversion', the property of this article itself is a 3 dates difference 7-9-11, divided by 60 as 7/60-9/60-11/60, then multiplied by 7 to get 49/60-63/60-77/60, then rounded to 1-1-1, streamlined to 1 days, add '1 month, 1 week, 1 day' to get "month 1 , week 1, day 2" (since "1" is less than the "28" days contained in a game month, there is no need to do (Since "1" is less than the "28" days in a game month, there is no need to do the "divide by 28, etc. conversion calculation")
  3. July 28: Jacques-Pierre Brissot begins to publish the issue of the Patriot. 14 days "month 1, week 1, day3"Analyze this article again: 14/60*7 equals 1 and 60th of 38, round up to 2, add '1 month, 1 week, 1 day' to get "month 1, week 1, day 3".
  4. August 27: The National Constituent Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizenship, drafted mainly by Lafayette. 44 days "month 1, week 1, day 6" The first week before Sunday Arno has to enter the underground of the Holy Chapel with a medallion. Find the headquarters of the Assassins(44/60*7=5 and 2/15, round up to 5, add '1 month, 1 week, 1 day' to get " month 1, week 1, day 6")
  5. October 5-6, the march of the Versailles women that took Louis XVI and his family from Versailles to the Tuileries Palace in Paris. 83 days "1,2,4"
  6. The Breton Club is reconstituted in Paris at the Saint-Honore monastery of Doninicans in November 1789--as The Jacobins club, under the name Society of Friends of the Constitution109days “1,2,7”
  7. 1790.2.28The Assembly abolished the requirement for officers to be members of the nobility 229 days "1,4,7"
  8. July 14: Fétede laFédération celebrated the first anniversary of the revolution in Paris at the Place de la Guerre. The King and Queen, the National Assembly, the government and a large crowd attended the event. Lafayette took an oath to be "ever faithful to the State, the law and the King; to support with all his might the constitution promulgated by the National Assembly and accepted by the King". This oath was taken by his troops as well as by the king. The Summer Solstice was the last event in the revolutionary unity of all the different factions in Paris. 365 days "2, 3 ,2 " (events could be added in the first half of the year)
  9. September 4: Finance Minister Necker was fired. The National Assembly is responsible for the Treasury sent to the Interior Ministry 417 days "2,4,1"
  10. October 21: Decree of the Assembly replacing the white flag of the French monarchy and the iris as the symbol of France with the tricolor flag. 464 days "2, 4, 6"
  11. 11.27: The Assembly decreed that all clergy must take an oath to the State, the law and the King. 500 days "3,1,4"
  12. 1791.1.4 On this day, Arnold needs to kill Siwet in Notre Dame to get the Angel_Feather_Arrows "3,1,7"
  13. 1.18 again to go to the old church sewers to kill the king of beggars, and then go to the slums of the Marquis de Sade to get the poison needle (Bowstring_of_the_Unicorn's_Mane.) "3,2,1"

  14. Visit Germain at the Grain Exchange on January 20 to unlock the Church of the Holy Sepulchre“3,2,3”
  15. 1791228日:agger Day. Lafayette ordered the arrest of 400 armed nobles who had gathered at the Tuileries Palace to protect the royal family. Their release on March 13 can be derived from the events of the Antifa camp surge 594-607 days "March, 2 weeks, 7 days" - "March, 3 weeks, 2 days" This entry leads to two plot branches1:13-14 2:17-18-
  16. 4.2The death of Mirabeau "3,3,4" Arno chased the murder in the attic of the Church of the Holy Chapel and killed Bellec
  17. 620-21日:Flight to Varennes. During the night of June 20-21, the king, queen and their children slipped out of the Tuileries Palace and fled by car in the direction of Montmedi.706-707天 “3月,4周,6天”-“3月,4周,6天”
  18. 625日:Louis XVI returned to Paris. The Assembly suspended its functions until further notice.711天 “3月,4周,7天”
  19. 75日:Emperor Leopold II issues the Circular Letter of Padua, calling on the royal houses of Europe to assist his brother son Louis XVI721天  “4月,1周,1天”
  20. 715日:The National Assembly declared the king inviolable and unable to stand trial. Louis XVI suspended him from office until the approval of a new constitution.731天  “4月,1周,2天”
  21. 716日:The more moderate members of the Jacobin club broke away to form a new club, the Feuillants, a constitutional monarchy732天    “4月,1周,1天”
  22. 913日至14日:Louis XVI officially accepted the new constitution and the National Legislative Assembly replaced the National Constituent Assembly at the end of the month.The effect of unlocking the ambassador's sashwith the previous article is to get permission to travel through other important border crossings throughout France. For example, (41,153,0) mountain pass pass southwest of Lyon, and you can also get Danton!791-792天     “4月,2周,2天”-“4月,2周,2天”
  23. 123日:Louis XVI's brother (Count of Provence and Artois) refused to return to France on the grounds that "the King was being held morally and physically上872天             “4月,3周,5天”
  24. 1228日:Congress votes to call for a massive army of volunteers to defend France's borders897天 “4月,4周,1天”
  25. 1792123日:Slave revolt in Haiti causes severe shortages of sugar and coffee in Paris923天 “4月,4周,4天”
  26. 27日:Austria and Prussia sign military agreement in Berlin to invade France and defend the monarchy。938天 “4月,4周,5天”
  27. 37日:Duke of Brunswick appointed to command joint Austrian-Prussian invasion of France967天 “5月,1周,2天”
  28. 420日:The Assembly declared war on the Kings of Bohemia and Hungary, i.e. on the Holy Roman Empire.1011天 “5月,1周,7天”
  29. 430日:The government issued a $300 million mission to fund the war1021天      “5月,2周,1天”
  30. 56日:The Régimentde Royal-Alemand cavalerie, composed of German mercenaries, left the French army and joined the Austro-Prussian alliance1027天   “5月,2周,2天”

  32. 512日:The light cavalry corps of Saxe and Bercheny left the French army and joined the League1033天 “5月,2周,3天”

  34. 6.20George Denton and cordeliers appeared due to dissatisfaction with the Legislative Assembly 1099天“5,2,7”Get Danton
  35. 725日:Brunswick Manifesto - Austrian commander warns of "exemplary and everlasting revenge" if the royal family is harmed”1107天 “5月,3周,4天”
  36. 89日:The deputy prosecutor Georges Danton and cordeliers did another event (Georges Danton) and his Cordeliers allies took over the Paris city government and founded the Paris Revolutionary Commune. They owned the Hôtelde Ville. They increased the number of delegates to the Commune to 288. The Assembly recognized them as the legitimate government of Paris on August 10.Paris given citadel1122-1123天              “5月,3周,6天”-“5月,3周,6天”
  37. 1792810日,The Tuileries Palace is sacked by a mob and the king's Swiss Guard is executed1123天  “5月,3周,6天”,Kill Captain Ruyer at the top of the palace building
  38. 1792The first stage of the early king party peasant dwarf, no time limit, you can get 4 parts in addition to the legion's head, used to combine with the legion's head obtained after the beheading of Louis into the Statue_of_Legion  Chouannerie Rébellion
  39. 92日:Surrender of the troops of Verdun Brunswick without war1146天        “5月,4周,2天”
  40. 920日:The newly elected National Convention, that is, the Convention held its first session behind closed doors at the former riding school of the Manège du Chateau, Tuileries, and elected its Bureau, that is, the National Convention of the Convention came to a close with the former National Legislative Assembly. Of the 749 delegates, 113 were Jacobins, who took their seats in the highest bench of the chamber, the Montagne (mountain), hence their nickname Montagnards, i.e. "mountaineers" founded and sent to the Assembly on September 22 to proclaim the First French Republic1164天 “5月,4周,4天”
  41. 1120日:Found in the closet of the King's apartment of the Tuileries de FER, containing the secret letters of Louis XVI with the Mirabeau iron safe with foreign monarchs1225天          “6月,1周,4天”
  42. 123日:Robespierre, leader of the Jacobins and first vice-president of the Convention in Paris, demanded that the king be put to death1238天   “6月,1周,5天”
  43. 126日:As proposed by Jean-Paul Marat, the Convention stipulates that each delegate must announce separately and publicly the vote on the death penalty for the King

  44. 1793121日:Louis XVI, aged 38, beheaded by guillotine on the Place de laRévolution.1287天  “6月,2周,4天”Whether you choose Robespierre or Brissot in the opening, you must kill the king. Choose Robespierre to kill the king and then kill Queen Mary to get Napoleon; choose Brissot to kill the king and then kill Mara and then kill Queen Mary to get Napoleon.
  45. 37日:Beginning of the Vendée War. Armed uprising begins in the Vendée region of west-central France1332天   “6月,3周,2天”
  46. If the opening game to choose Robespierre, then here begins the mountain branch, purple font entryEarly identification of the mountain party with Robespierre then using the Mara access timeline, we get Hanriot's Jacobin coup of June 2: the non-partisan soldiers and soldiers of the Paris Commune under François Hanriot occupied the Convention Hall and forced the organization to vote for the arrest of 29 Girondins delegates and two ministers, Claviére and Lebrun1419天 “6月,4周,6天”
  47. The same day immediately needed to catch Brissot
  48. Battle of Nantes gets Carrier179362914467,1,2
  49. 1793.Insurrections royalistes et fédéralistesGironde struggles”8.25Take back Marseille10.16Recapturing Bordeaux from federal hands“7,2,1”“7,2,7”this battle connected the Robespierre line back to the main line
  50. If you choose Brissot to open, here begins the green and blue font: early to ensure that the Gironde route to Mara to kill the king to get the head of God, after the Battle of Nantes Kailey to kill the queen can also get Napoleon and then the Battle of Nantes to pick up the timeline,let713日:Charlotte Corday assassinates Jean-Paul Marat in the bathAt the trial, she declared, "I killed a man to save a hundred thousand。”1460天 “7月,1周,3天”This one directly connects the Brissot route back to the main line
  51. 727日:Robespierre elected to Public Safety Committee1474天            “7月,1周,5天”
  52. 1793年8.2Transferred to the concierge department on October 16, Antoinette was guillotined“7,1,6”“7,2,7”,Now you can go defeat Germain
  53. 823日Mass Conscription1501天 “7月,2周,1天”
  54. Defeat Germain and get Napoleon as soon as possible before the end of the year because Napoleon will fight the battle of Toulon
  55. 917日:The Convention adopted a new Suspicion Law that allows for arrests and speedy trialsAny suspect who opposes the revolution. The Reign of Terror begins.1526天             “7月,2周,4天”
  56. 10.17Cholet-Savenaybattle“7,27”,The siege of Mainz, which was connected to the battle line
  57. 1030日:Revolutionary Court Sentences 21 Galentines MPs to Death。1569天   “7月,3周,2天”118日:Madame Roland was guillotined during the cleansing of the Girondins. Before her execution, she cried: "Freedom, for the crimes committed in your name!"Madame Roland was guillotined during the cleansing of the Girondins. Before her execution, she cried: "Freedom, for the crimes committed in your name!"1578天   “7月,3周,3天”
  58. 1793年12月3日Siege of Angers“7,3 ,6”,1793年12月12日至13日Le Mans“7,3,7”,Battle of Savenay took place on 23 December 1793“7,4,1”Savenay Connected to the battle line
  59. 179445日:Danton and Desmoulins were convicted and guillotined on the same day1726天 “8月,1周,6天”
  60. 624日:Cano foresaw sending the bulk of the Paris artillery to the front.1806天      “8月,3周,2天”
  61. 728日:Robespierre's execution。1840天      “8月,3周,6天”
  62. 1795119日Batavian Republic founded2015天 “9月,2周,5天”
  63. 624日Second Vendée Rebellion breaks outDeuxième Guerre de Vendée2171天 “10月,1周,2天”
  64. 105日:An armed royalist uprising threatened the Convention. Under the orders of Paul Barras, who was defending Paris, General Bonaparte led the army to resist the uprising. He used artillery to break up the rebels with canister shells gathered at the gates of the Church of St. Roch, Rue Saint-Honoré2274天“10月,2周,7天”
  65. 1026日:Bonaparte appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the Interior。2295天“10月,3周,3天”and get his eldest brother Joseph,
  66. 10.31,The Directoire exécutif is established, paris given city hall230010,3,3
  67. 179622日:Leader of the Irish Revolutionary Party(Wolfe Tone)Arrives in France to seek military support to liberate Ireland。2394天"10月,4周,7天"
  68. 1796年2.28Napoleon was ordered to close the Pan Club and was appointed commander-in-chief of Italy on March 2. The appointment of Bonaparte was probably motivated by political purposes. The second Vendée rebellion ended at the end of the month.2423天“11,1,3”“11,1,4”
  69. 39日Marriage of Napoleonand Josephine2430天“11,1,5”Get Angel Necklace
  70. 79日Elba Island was occupied by Britain.2552天“11,3,5”
  71. 179732日: Directoire exécutif authorizes French warships to capture American ships2778天“12,3,3”
  72. 614日:Bonaparte formed a new government in Genoa with the aim of creating a new Ligurian Republic.2892天“13,1,2”

  74. 1798118日:Legislature authorizes French ships to seize neutral vessels carrying British goods3110天"13,4,6"
  75. 126日:The Directoire exécutif authorizes the French army to intervene on behalf of the Swiss uprising in the canton of Vaud against the Swiss government3118天“13,4,7”
  76. 519日:Bonaparte's important pre-departure speech to Egypt3231天“14,2,7”
  77. 611日Defeat the Knights and capture Malta3254天“14,3,3”
  78. 95日:The French legislature requires all Frenchmen between the ages of 25 and 25 to perform military service 3340 days "14,4,6" Note that the other 3 cities in France also have this event
  79. 124日:French troops defeated the Belgian rebels at Hasselt and massacred the rebels. The end of the Belgian peasant revolt.3430天“15,2,2”
  80. 179933日:After a long siege by the Russian-Turkish fleet, the French forces surrendered at Corfu3519天“15,3,6”
  81. 320日至21Battle of Ostrach3536天“15,4,1”austrian plot
  82. 823Sidney SmithA packet of French newspapers was sent to Bonaparte to keep him informed of the events in Paris Bonaparte then left the army to sail to France3692天“16,2,5”
  83. 1023日:Lucien Bonaparte becomes President of the Council 5003753天“16,3,5”
  84. 119日the coup d’état du 18 Brumaire Napoleon becomes the first ruler3770天“16,3,7”
  85. 1799914-1800111日The Third Vendée Rebellion3714-3833天“16,2,7-16,4,7”
  86. 1798~1800.Quasi-War
  87. 18001224日Christmas Eve street carriage explosion royalists wanted to assassinate NapoleonPlot of the rue Saint-Nicaise 4180天“18,2,6”
  88. In May19 1802, he instituted the Legion of Honour,20,3,2
  89. 1803430日Louisiana Purchase5037天“22,1,1”
  90. 1803518日Britain declares war on France and the Treaty of Amiens is over5055天“22,1,1”
  91. 1804321日Execution of Louis Antoine, Duke of Enghien5363天“23,2,5”
  92. 1804321CambacérèsNapoleonic Code in force5363天“23,2,5”
  93. 18045.18Ratification of the coronation of Napoleon as emperor on December 4 and the founding of the Grande Armée in Boulogne at the end of the year23,3,3”“24,2,6
  94. 1805411日In St. Petersburg, an alliance treaty was signed between Austria, Sweden and Naples, who would eventually join the alliance, while Prussia remained neutral again.5749天“24,4,7”sweden plot
  95. 180744日至12日British Foreign Legionnaires Mutiny in Malta 6472-6480天“27,4,7-28,1,1”British plot
  96. 1807318日至925日British invasion of Ottoman North AfricaAlexandria expedition of 1807-fail1807Anglo-Ottoman War 6455-6646天“27,3,4-28,3,6”
  97. 1808317The Tumult of AranjuezThe Spanish opposed French military control and almost executed the foreign minister Godot, and the royal family fled to the French-protected city of Bayone6820天“29,2,6”
  98. 18085月Madrid revolt against Mura, is the summer of Napoleon's brother came to Spain as emperor, the Spanish nation began to revolt against the French army
  99. 180811月Napoleon and Lannes go to Spain to take Madrid again, December 31, the emperor had to rush back home again leaving Sulte to fight coruna's British army???-7109
  100. 180976日Napoleon arrested Pope Pius VII in the Vatican and took him back to Savona to be imprisoned 7296天“31,2,5”
  101. 18099-12Persian Gulf campaign of,Britain defends Hormuz shipping lane to weaken French influence in Oman
  102. 1805~1810.Pomeranian War/Franco-Swedish War181016日,Sweden regained Pomerania by signing the Russian-mediated Treaty of Paris with France, but at the cost of joining the Continental System On November 17, 1810, Sweden was forced to declare war on Britain and to occupy all British goods in Swedish Pomerania.7480-7795天“32,1,6-33,2,7”
  103. 18101Napoleon Josephine divorce
  104. 181041Marriage of Napoleon and Marie-Louise7565天“32,3,1”
  105. 1810112日,Bernadotte solemnly enters Stockholm7780天“33,2,6”
  106. 1809~1811.Mauritius/Indian Ocean CampaignBritain has complete control of the Indian Ocean
  107. 1811.8月至9British Invasion of Java
  108. 1813 64日Truce in Pläswitz, Austria declares war again on August 128725天“37,2,4”Included in the battle guide of the Battle of Bautzen (1813)
  109. 1813614日The Treaty of Reichenbach: Great British Funding for Russia and Prussia8735天“37,2,5” Russian plot
  110. 1813A decree was issued on October 9 ordering the enlistment of 280,000 soldiers, known as the Marie-Louise (conscript) 8852天“37,4,4”
  111. 181311月The Allies' Frankfurt proposal offered relatively good peace terms, but unfortunately Napoleon did not accept that the December conditions were harsher and more unacceptable
  112. 1813127Battle of BornhövedSweden defeats Denmark, 3 days after the battle of Sehested Denmark wins narrowly8911天“38,1,4”
  113. 1814331日The fall of Paris9025天“38,3,4”
  114. 181444日Napoleon was forced to abdicate by Ney and others 9029天“38,3,4”
  115. 1814414日Napoleon abdicates and attempts suicide at Fontainebleau 9039天        “38月,3周,6天”
  116. 1814年4月20日He left Fontainebleau for Elba
  117. 181503.01, Napoleon landed at Golfe Juan, crossed the Alps and arrived in Grenoble where an army commanded by Ney awaited him.