瓦尔哈拉神殿城是地图的三大终极圣地之一,其他两大终极圣地则分别是启蒙圣地以及亚特兰提斯海底城。The Valhalla is one of the three ultimate holy sites on the map, with the other two being the Holy Land of Enlightenment and the Underwater City of Atlantis.
Valhalla was the Hall of the Slain. It was located up in Asgard and Odin presided over Valhalla. Because it was the hall of Odin and only the brave warriors could come and dwell with the Viking Supreme God so every living Viking warrior was willing to sacrifice their life honourably to gain a room up in Valhalla. The warriors in Valhalla would fight during the day and when the evenings came, they would feast inside Valhalla and got their wounds healed. Life in Valhalla was what other people envied. 瓦尔哈拉神殿城是被杀者的殿堂。它位于阿斯加德,奥丁主持着瓦尔哈拉。因为这里是奥丁的殿堂,只有勇敢的战士才能来和维京至尊神同住,所以每个活着的维京战士都愿意光荣地牺牲自己的生命,在瓦尔哈拉获得一席之地。英灵殿的武士们白天战斗,到了晚上,他们会在英灵殿大吃一顿,并使他们的伤口得到愈合。瓦尔哈拉的生活是其他人羡慕的。
Many people in the Western world fought valiantly and faced death for their ideals and beliefs during the Atlantic Revolution era. In the upper left corner of the underground section of the map Atlantic Revolutions , a mythical Valhalla area is constructed, which is separated from the holy land of Enlightenment by a body of water,as The top left part of the image below; and the bottom right part is the salon of Madame Geoffrin in the holy land of the Enlightenment
Players need to use fly spell or wear angel wings, or use the dimension door to get to the cloud stairs in front of the Valhalla.玩家需要使用飞行魔法或者穿戴天使之翼,再或用异次元之门,才能来到英灵殿前的云层阶梯上。
The following chart will combine the terrain grid to show exactly what is in the Valhalla area.下图将结合地形格子来具体展示瓦尔哈拉神殿城区域的内容。
A:The six landing sites in this area are non-waters and are the primary destinations for flying jumps into Valhalla. (6, 4, 1) is a narrated event, as is (10, 1, 1).此区域内六个落脚点为非水域,是飞跳进入瓦尔哈拉的首要目的地。(6,4,1)是一个旁白事件,(10,1,1)也是。
B:Some auxiliary buildings, no particularly important function一些辅助建筑,无特别重要的功能
C:Ditto, also some auxiliary buildings, no particularly important function同上,也是一些辅助建筑,无特别重要的功能
1:This is a mission guard, it occupies a total of (3, 0, 1) and (3, 1, 1) these two grids, the unlocking condition is to reach one hundred levels, need players to visit it from the A area and unlock it.这是一个关卡守卫,它一共占据着(3,0,1)与(3,1,1)这两个格子,解锁条件是达到一百级,需要玩家从A区域访问它并解锁它。
2:After players unlock 1 of the mission guard, come to the location of 2 (10, 0, 1), which is a titan appearance of the dock, buy a ferry boat, the boat will be generated in the location of (9, 0, 1), from (0, 0, 1) to (9, 0, 1) these ten squares are water terrain.玩家解锁1的关卡守卫后,来到2的位置(10,0,1),这是一个外观为泰坦巨人的船坞,买一艘摆渡船,船将会在(9,0,1)的位置生成,从(0,0,1)至(9,0,1)这十个格子是水域地形。
3:Players get on board and sail to the left to 3, and it is another mission guard, the unlocking condition is to attack and defend these two indices together reach to ninety-nine.玩家上船后向左航行到3,而它是另一个关卡守卫,解锁条件是攻防这两个指数同时达到九十九。
4:Finally, it is possible to enter 4 (1,0,1)by ferry, it is a type of tower town, the name is, Valhalla . The city except for the senior cloud temple and the artifact skyship is built by default, all other buildings can not be built. After the player occupies the city, there will be a daily incremental event, ninety-nine additional titanic giants. And the very beginning of the city cloud temple that a titanic giant, just on behalf of Odin himself. This means that once the player occupies the core of the Valhalla area -- the Valhalla, will get a huge amount of Titan Giants as a source of soldiers, with these gods to help the war, the player will certainly be able to capture the final victory of the revolutionary era. And occupy this town, also equal to say get a guarantee that will not games lost due to losing all the towns .Moreover, due to the city's own sky ship, the entire map fog will clear up and everything will be in full view.最后,就能坐着摆渡船进入4(1,0,1)了,它是一个类型为塔楼的城镇,名称为,瓦尔哈拉英灵殿。城内除了高级云殿跟神器天船是默认造好的,其他建筑都无法建筑。玩家占城后,每日会有一个增兵事件,九十九名额外的泰坦巨人。而最开始的城里云殿那一个泰坦巨人,正好代表奥丁本尊。这意味着,一旦玩家占领了瓦尔哈拉神殿城区域的核心--英灵殿,将得到海量的泰坦巨人作为兵源,有了这股天神下凡助战,玩家势必能夺取革命时代的最后胜利。并且占据这座城镇,也等于说得到了一个不会因丢失所有城镇而游戏失败的保证。况且由于城内自带的天船,整幅地图的迷雾将散尽,一切都将尽收眼底。
Finally at this moment, the gods of Western mythology and the history of Atlantic reality of this period , under the worldview of homm3, magically and closely linked together.The heroes of the Atlantic Revolution era will be sheltered by the gods.