Illuminati光明会Special artifact of the Illuminati光明会特殊通持物:Pendant of Second Sight光明挂件

What is Illuminati?什么是光明会(有时也称光照派)

i.The Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on 1 May 1776 in Bavaria, today part of Germany. The society's goals were to oppose superstition, obscurantism, religious influence over public life, and abuses of state power.The Illuminati have long been seen as the real driving force behind the revolution, and the Illuminati are believed to have orchestrated a variety of historical events, from the French Revolution to the Battle of Waterloo and the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy.光明会是一个启蒙时代的秘密社团,于 1776 年 5 月 1 日在巴伐利亚成立,今天是德国的一部分。该协会的目标是反对迷信、蒙昧主义、宗教对公共生活的影响以及国家权力的滥用。光明会,即光照派长期以来被视作革命的真正幕后推手,光明会被认为精心策划了各种历史事件,从法国大革命、滑铁卢战役和美国总统约翰·肯尼迪遇刺。
So in this map, the Illuminati is located in the association and organization groups in the top of the four tiers, the status is completely no less than the Freemasonry. The special artifact of the Illuminati in the map is the Pendant of Second Sight.所以在本地图中,光明会位于协会与组织团体里的四级层级的顶级,地位完全不亚于共济会。地图中光明会的特殊通持物是光明挂件。

ii.Unlike the Freemasonry, who have a large number of widely distributed lodges on the map, the Illuminati have only the following lodges不像共济会一样在地图中拥有大量广泛分布的小屋,光明会只有以下若干处小屋:
The founding lodge of the Illuminati, Illuminati of Ingolstadt(116,107,0)英戈尔施塔特创始小屋
Yellow Rose (society),Royal Palace, Stockholm(188,2,1)斯德哥尔摩黄玫瑰小屋
Illuminati of Ravensberg (Sparta)(103,122,1)拉文斯堡小屋
Illuminati of Munich (Athens)(116,120,0)慕尼黑小屋
Illuminati of Frankfurt(106,70,0)法兰克福小屋
Illuminati of Aachen(92,35,1)亚琛旅馆
Illuminati of Pressburg (170,143,1)普雷斯堡小屋
Illuminati of Mainz(97,73,1)美因茨小屋

:The Illuminati Lodges are protected by the light blue border, symbolizing the Illuminati's Masonic origins, so before visiting any Illuminati Lodge, players need to refer to the freemasonry content in order to complete a visit to the Masonic light Blue keymaster's Tent. In turn, a visit to Adam, the founder in Ingolstadt's founding lodge, is a prerequisite for visiting the remaining Illuminati lodges, so players must first visit (116, 107, 0) this Illuminati lodge.这些光明会小屋都被天蓝色边境保护,象征了光明会的共济会起源,因此访问任何光明会小屋前,玩家需要先参考共济会内容以完成访问共济会天蓝色首领帐篷。而访问英戈尔施塔特创始小屋里的创始人亚当又是访问其余光明会小屋的先决条件,所以玩家必须先去(116,107,0)这个光明会小屋。

:The three degrees of each Illuminati lodge awards a certain amount of Enchanter to form a powerful force and fighting force, symbolizing the Illuminati as one of the driving forces behind the revolution ( the other driving force behind the revolution ,the Freemasons,its three degrees awards hero experience values).每处光明会小屋的三级学位都奖励一定量的魔幻法师,来形成一股强力的兵力和战斗力,象征光明会作为革命的幕后推手之一(革命的另一幕后推手共济会的三级学位则是奖励英雄经验值)。

:Each Illuminati lodge has a seer hunt who require creatures to exchange with the pendant of second sight, different Illuminati lodge, the type and number of creatures needed to exchange for the pendant of second sight is not consistent, but certainly are in one or more of monks, mages ,arch mage, knights and angels and titans, who on behalf of the Masonic members,this symbolizing the Illuminati often snatch people from the Masons and other organizations and digging, these were originally Masons The monks, mages, knights and other people who are members of the Masons are drawn in by the Illuminati to join a certain Illuminati club in exchange for giving the player a pendant of second sight.In particular, sometimes there are special places in the wilderness where individual, not of Illuminati sources of pendant of second sights of other significance can appear, but the number is very small.每处光明会小屋内有一个上交生物交互光明挂件的先知,不同的光明会小屋里,换取光明挂件时所需的生物种类和数量不一致,但肯定都是僧侣法师魔幻法师骑士以及天使和泰坦这些代表共济会会员的生物中的一种或几种,象征光明会经常从共济会等组织中到处抢人和挖墙脚,这些原本是共济会会员的僧侣法师骑士等人被光明会拉拢,在某个光明会中入会,从而以换取给玩家一个光明挂件。特别地,有时候野外有些特殊地方也会出现个别其他意义的、非光明会来源的光明挂件,但数量很少。

iii.So, what does the pendant of second sight do? Answer: By constantly searching the map for Illuminati Lodges in Illuminati Chapters and trying to trade these Masonic creatures for pendant of second sight and accumulating three, players can unlock the three guards front of Salon de Madame Geoffrin in holy land of the Enlightenment.那么,光明挂件有何作用?答案:玩家通过在地图上不断寻找光明会分会的光明会小屋并设法用这些共济会生物换取光明挂件并积累三个,就可解开启蒙运动圣地杰夫林夫人的沙龙前的的三道关卡。

In Salon de Madame Geoffrin, the construction of an ideal utopia that once the thinkers of the Age of Enlightenment pioneers like a rebirth, karma reincarnation, one by one to scholars and other images standing, like the historical oil painting 'Salon_de_Madame_Geoffrin' general, jumped on the map, reproduced the glory of the original Enlightenment idea, this glory, precisely with the spiritual philosophy of the Illuminati alluded to the kind of illuminationism fit, the Enlightenment of the English simple enlightment original meaning also has the meaning of light, illumination.在杰夫林夫人的沙龙,构造了一个理想国,曾经启蒙时代的思想家们先驱者们宛如重生、业力轮回,一个个以学者等NPC形象屹立着,就像那副历史油画‘夫林夫人的沙龙’一般,跃然图上,重现着当初的思想光辉,这种光辉,正是与光明会的精神理念所暗指的那种光照主义不契而合,启蒙的英文单纯enlightment原意也有光照,照亮的意思。

By touching the spirits of these sages, you can get a strengthening of the hero's skill points通过触摸这些先贤们的灵魂,可以得到英雄属性的加强。