大西洋革命战纪地图英雄制作原理介绍Atlantic Revolutions map hero production principle introduction

本地图制作英雄的流程:首先按照生卒区间要在大西洋革命时代这一原则给八个势力分别建立待选名人人物库(这些名人大体分为军人/政治家,学者/科学家,文人/艺术家,散人/冒险家),此时八势力人物库的名人数量大概有200人;接着详细观察所有人的生平事迹和个性,看看能否把他和游戏中的某个英雄对应起来;然后我发现如果给每个势力的英雄设置一个假定种族,如法国-城堡族,瑞典-塔楼族这样,匹配起来更顺手;再平衡各势力人数,并不断调整匹配关系以及在需要时换人,有些新换进来的人甚至不在最早的200人的库里;最后形成了各势力人物有明显的种族区分、有多位人物可被不止一个势力招募的复杂却井然有序的匹配结果(可以去看第三种查档方式)。 通过查档,你就会发现,本地图所有入围的历史人物与156个游戏原型英雄们之间的匹配关系竟然能达到了空前的合理,这或许是巧合,或许是天意。也就是说156组‘历史人物→原型英雄’的映射关系都相当地符合以下几点:每组的历史人物的能力都和与之匹配的原型英雄的能力有高度相通之处;且该组映射关系如果被拆散,与另外的组进行错位匹配,总的156组映射的熵值就会增大,这也就是说是说当前的156组匹配映射,是经过上百轮复杂程度不等的变动调整后确立的最终优化匹配方案。在整个调整过程中,由于最终原型英雄那边只有156个名额,为了达到理想状态,历史人物这边也时常有已入选却又被踢出局、补入另一位大西洋革命时代历史人物的情况--甚至有时候这种操作纯粹为了让瑞典等小国多那么一两个可招募的英雄人物,而不能把名额全都给了英国佬和法国人他们。 当然这终究是对这些大西洋革命时期的历史人物的一种魔幻化,不能说全部是牵强的匹配联系,但至少可以算作贻笑大方。

The process of making heroes in this map: First, according to the principle that the birth and death range should be in the Atlantic revolutionary era, we will create eight pools of celebrities to be chosen for each of the eight powers (these celebrities are roughly divided into soldiers/politicians, scholars/scientists, literati/artists, and miscellaneous/adventurers). Then I found that if I set a hypothetical race for the heroes of each power, such as France - castle race, Sweden - tower race, it would be smoother to match; then balance the number of people in each power, and constantly adjust the matching relationship and change people when needed, some new people not even in the earliest 200 people pool; finally formed a clear racial character of each power The final result is a complex but well-organized match of characters with clear racial distinctions and multiple characters who can be recruited by more than one power (see the third way to check the archive).

By checking the archives, you will find that it is may be a coincidence or perhaps providential that all the shortlisted historical figures in this map match up with the 156 archetypal heroes in the game in an unprecedentedly reasonable way. In other words, the 156 groups of 'historical characters → archetypal heroes' mapping relationships are all quite consistent with the following points: each group of historical characters has a high degree of similarity with the archetypal heroes' abilities; and if the group mapping relationship is broken up and matched with another groups, the entropy value of the total 156 mapping groups will This means that the current 156 mappings are the final optimized matching scheme after hundreds of rounds of changes of varying complexity. In the whole adjustment process, because the final prototype hero side only 156 places, in order to achieve the ideal state, the historical figures side also often the situation that one figure has been selected and matched but was then kicked out, to join another Atlantic Revolution era historical figure in to take place of that kicked one- and sometimes this operation purely to let Sweden and other small countries so that one or two more recruitable heroes, and can not give all the places to the British and French . This is, of course, ultimately doing a Magic Illusion Method of these historical figures from the Atlantic Revolution era, not all of which can be said to be a far-fetched matching connection, but at least it can be considered humor.