新BOSS版本玩法New Boss Version playing method introduction


大西洋革命战纪2.0全新Boss版本介绍Atlantic Revolutions 2.0 New Boss Version Introduction

2.0版本介绍:自2022年7月14日1.0版本发布之后,又经过近一年的时间漫长的奋斗--历经每月14号的月度更新(1.1-1.9),此次2.0版本可谓是一次里程碑式更新:往期版本中电脑势力们机动性欠佳,且一直都没有真正意义上的Boss英雄;而现今的2.0版本中,电脑势力们不光英雄会随游戏的进行在不同的时刻突然进化成一个个真正意义上的BT图超强BOSS,并且其机动性现在有了质的飞跃,因此电脑势力们作战能力大幅度提升! 导致这种前后变化的原因第一是原本地图过于巨大、传送门分布不理想、导致跟电脑英雄碰面很难,而现在对地图的{传送门体系}进行了大刀阔斧的优化改革,见面概率大大增加;第二是原本电脑势力们的英雄没有额外的增强、导致玩家拥兵百万时电脑势力们仍然不堪一击,而现在把一直计划增加的{Boss奖励区}给完工了,玩家会遭遇众多处理起来无比棘手的电脑Boss英雄。 其实以上涉及的两方面问题在很久以前就被列为重点待改进项、并非发布1.0后才察觉。但一直以来把它们归到尚未完成的部分/模块,并从1.0遗留至今,反倒使得玩家游玩1.0大版本下截止1.9这些版本时不会遇到太大的麻烦,没有特别难处理的电脑英雄,因此难度不算太高,这使得已接触过地图的玩家能够更轻松地深度探索地图,为日后难度激增的重度BT的Boss版本打下良好的地图熟悉度基础!因此{Boss奖励区、传送门体系}优化这两个模块时至今日才正式完成制作、经过测试并更新发布出来,可以说是过去来不及完成,也可以说有意为之,总之是利弊均衡的。 {大西洋革命战纪在过去、今天、将来都应视作是一部正在进行中的大型英3地图作品。} 经测试新版本是成功的,现整个地图在运行时变得异常灵动、挑战度达到空前之巨大。电脑麾下的各种英雄都能顺利地在Boss奖励区变身成Boss,并且极其富有随机变化性:每重开一局,新的一局变身成Boss的电脑英雄都不是同一批人,且变身顺序也会改变。 已顺利投入使用的{Boss奖励区},以及{传送门体系}就相当于两个轰鸣而卓越的引擎,它们不光效率高,且不产生负面影响(完全没有带来过天缓慢或者卡天的问题)。由于难度的激增,在有了{Boss奖励区}后,又增添了人类{玩家奖励区}来供玩家获取以往所没有的丰厚奖励(大队主力兵力等)。新{传送门体系}、{Boss奖励区/玩家奖励区}以及往期版本中就早已落成的庞大历史剧情体系如同三驾马车,拉动着硕大无朋的大西洋地图平稳行驶!

Version 2.0 Introduction: Since the release of version 1.0 on July 14, 2022, and after nearly one year of long struggle - after the monthly update on the 14th of each month (1.1-1.9), this version 2.0 can be considered a milestone update: in previous versions ,the computer sides are lack of mobile, and there was no boss hero of real sense ; but now in version 2.0 ,it will not only be seen that The computer side heroes in different moments suddenly evolved into a real sense of super BOSS, and its mobility now has a qualitative leap, so the computer sides combat ability greatly improved! The first reason for this change is that the original map was too large, the distribution of monolith was not ideal, which made it difficult to meet computer heroes. However, now the {monolith system} of the map has been extensively optimized and reformed, greatly increasing the probability of meeting; The second reason is that the original heroes of computer sides did not have additional enhancements, causing them to be vulnerable even when player have a big army. Now, the {Boss bonus Zone} which been planned to increase has been completed, and players will encounter numerous computer Boss heroes that are extremely difficult to handle. In fact, the two issues mentioned above were listed as key issue for improvement a long time ago, and were not only discovered after the release of 1.0. But always categorizing them into unfinished parts/modules and leaving them unfinished from 1.0 to the present day, it by coincidence allows players to play versions 1.0 to 1.9 without encountering too much trouble instead ,because There are no particularly difficult computer heroes to deal with, so the difficulty is not too high. This makes it easier for players who have already touched the map to explore the map in depth, Lay a good foundation for their map familiarity in the Boss version with increasing difficulty in the future! Therefore, the optimization of the {Boss bonus Zone and monolith system} modules has only been officially completed, tested, and updated to this day, can be said that they were not completed in the past on time, or that they were intentionally done, and in short, they have a balanced advantage and disadvantage. {Atlantic Revolutions was, is, and will continue to be seen as an ongoing Huge Homm3 map works.} After testing, the new version was successful, Now, the entire map has become exceptionally Nimble and challenging during playing, reaching an unprecedented level of challenge. Various computer heroes under the command of the computer can smoothly transform into bosses in the boss bonus Zone, and are extremely random: each new game, the computer heroes who transform into bosses in the new game are not from the same group, and the transformation order will also change. The {Boss Bonus Zone} and {Monolith System}, which have been successfully put into use, are equivalent to two roaring and outstanding engines. They are not only efficient, but also do not have any negative effects (without causing any problems with slow or seizing when passing game turn). Due to the surge in difficulty, after the establishment of the {Boss Bonus Zone}, a human {Player Bonus Zone} was added to allow players to obtain rich rewards (such as big main army strength) that never seen before. The new 'Monolith System', 'Boss Bonus Zone/Player Bonus Zone', and the massive historical story plot system already completed in previous versions are like three carriages, driving the massive Atlantic map smoothly!

什么是Boss奖励区和玩家奖励区What is Boss Bonus Zone and Player Bonus Zone

什么是{Boss奖励区}和{玩家奖励区}:共分为4块区域ABCD,都在地图的地下部分。 区域A位于地下的最北端偏左一点,电脑势力或人类玩家来到区域A能得到那些身份背景复杂、当处于英雄池时能被多势力从酒馆中招募的英雄,如洪堡、斯达尔夫人等,还能在区域A占领多个圣龙、天使、泰坦和野牛这样的战略兵种的巢穴。 区域B面积很大,既是{Boss奖励区}也是{玩家奖励区},位于地下的中上居右,在拿破仑翻越阿尔卑斯山跟自由引领人民两幅图案中间,这里有众多的Boss变身机关,使得电脑英雄前往这一块区域后能纷纷领到{Boss奖励盒子}用以变身成为Boss,但确保着玩家是无法吃到这些Boss奖励的,但玩家可以等每个Boss变身成Boss后将其击杀从而得到{击杀奖励}(三种勇气勋章),而在电脑英雄尚未吃{Boss奖励盒子}变身 成Boss前,玩家注定吃不到对应的{击杀奖励}--这是通过156组看似复杂却原理明了的触发器来实现的,感兴趣可以打开地图编辑器来具体了解。而电脑英雄领到{Boss奖励盒子}成为BOSS后,击杀该BOSS的击杀奖励前的对应地形才会发生变化,导致路径随之变得可通过了,玩家才能打开击杀该BOSS的击杀奖励前的守卫并领取击杀奖励。 区域C在功能上与区域B完全一致,,既是{Boss奖励区}也是{玩家奖励区},位于地下的左上角的下方,是对区域B的一个补充,因为区域B为了保持现在的爱心型形态(刚好可以寓意为拿破仑与自由女神的比心),面积无法进一步扩展来装下156组触发器等装置,因此补充开辟了区域C。B、C区域不光提供击杀Boss领取勋章的任务,还有许多五花八门的方式也可以积累勋章。此外,地图的剧情线也含有一定量的勋章,因此现在的版本走剧情的价值已经大大提高了。 区域D位于地中海中央,是{玩家奖励区},玩家可以用击杀Boss后在B、C两片区域领到的勋章宝物来区域D兑换成实际的兵力等奖励。区域D这里还有很多魔法,技能和宝物,基本都是地图上难以获得的。 ABCD四个区域皆以一组特定绿色双向门联通,各势力主城附近均有一扇该组型双向门入口,当该势力为电脑AI时,其自有办法进入;当玩家是该势力时,需要引入一个{钥匙}的概念。玩家扮演不同势力时,都必须尽快获取其势力专属的装有3枚{钥匙}的盒子,才能依次打开家门前的这组双向门前的三道守卫以及地中海玩家奖励区即区域D的一道守卫,共计四道(其中三道是要求上交1枚{钥匙},另一道是当前势力颜色即可解锁),最终进入该组型双向门,前往ABCD区域。 玩家会问:假如我不要领钥匙了,也不要进入{奖励区},就正常发展玩平推。 问题是电脑英雄们不管怎么样依旧会进行变身成为Boss,而玩家不前往{奖励区}获取各种丰厚奖励是注定打不过现在版本的电脑势力的。所以还是应设法去{奖励区}。 而一旦打开主城附近的绿色传送门前的三层守卫,意味着电脑英雄们就会从绿色传送门中陆续杀来,准备好迎接艰巨的挑战!(电脑是不懂得在{钥匙}守卫的期限到期前领{钥匙}的,所以电脑之间是不会互窜主城相互攻讦的,他们只会在人类玩家打开绿色传送门前的守卫后来攻击人类玩家,而无论人类玩家打不打开绿色传送门前的守卫,他们都能通过穿过各自主城前的自身颜色边境门+黑色边境门,来进入绿色传送门,而这不需要钥匙,完成变身后再回到各自主城前的绿色传送门)消灭他们,前往{奖励区}领取丰厚的奖励!可以先领取{钥匙},而绿色传送门前的守卫迟一点开,等玩家的军队具备战力时,否则开早了,从绿色传送门里随便来袭的小Boss就会把玩家的老家荡平!

What is {Boss Bonus Zone} and {Player Bonus Zone}: There are 4 Zones ABCD, all in the underground part of the map. Zone A is located a little to the left of the northernmost part of the underground. Computer sides or human players coming to Zone A can get those heroes with complex identity backgrounds that can be recruited by multiple sides from taverns when in the hero pool, such as Humboldt and Lady De Stael, and can also occupy multiple nests of strategic troop types like Azure Dragon, Angel,Titan and gorgon in Zone A. Zone B is very large, it is {Boss Bonus Zone} and it also is {Player Bonus Zone}, located in the upper center right of the underground, in the middle of the two patterns of Napoleon cross the Alps and Liberty Leading the People, where there are numerous boss transformation organs, the computer hero can go to this Zone ,after receiving the {Boss Bonus Box} to transform into a boss, but it is ensured that the player is unable to get the {Boss Bonus Box} .However, players can wait for each boss to transform into a boss and then kill it to get the {kill bonus} (three kinds of courage medals), and before the computer heroes eating the {boss bonus box} to transform into a boss, players can never get the corresponding {kill bonus} - this is achieved through 156 sets of seemingly complex but clear triggers, if interested Open the map editor to learn more.After the computer hero receives the {Boss bonus box} and becomes a boss, the corresponding terrain before the kill bonus for killing the boss will change, causing the path to become passable. Only then can the player open the guard in front of the kill bonus , kill the boss and receive the kill bonus. Zone C is functionally identical to Zone B. It is both a {Boss Bonus Zone} and a {Player Bonus Zone}, located in below the top left corner of the ground floor, and is a supplement to Zone B. Because Zone B cannot be further expanded to accommodate 156 sets of triggers and other devices,in order to maintain its current loving heart shape (which can be regard as Napoleon's heart link with Lady Liberty), it was supplemented by the construting of Zone C. Zones B and C not only provide tasks for receiving medals by killing bosses , but also many other ways to accumulate medals. In addition, the plot line of the map also contains a certain amount of medals, so the value of finish the plot line has been greatly increased in the current version. Zone D is located in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea and is {player bonus Zone}, players can use the medals received in Zone B and Zone C after killing bosses to exchange them into actual rewards such as troops in Zone D . There are also a lot of spells, skills and artifacts here in Zone D, which are difficult to found on the map. ABCD four Zones are connected by a specific set of green monolith two-way, there is a entrance of the specific green monolith two-way near each force‘s main city , when the side is the computer AI, it has own way to enter; when the player control the side, need to introduce a {key} concept. When players play as different sides, they must get the box with 3 {keys} exclusive to their sides as soon as possible, in order to open the three guards in front of this specific green monolith two-way in front of their homes and one guard in the Mediterranean player Bonus Zone, i.e. Zone D. There are four guards in total (three of them are required to hand in one {key}, and the other one ca be unlocked by the current side color), and finally enter the specific green monolith two-way and go to ABCD Zone. Players will ask: If I don't wanna the key and don't wanna enter the {Bonus Zone}, I will just develop normally and play normally. The problem is , the computer heroes will still transform into bosses no matter what, and players are not able to beat the computer sidds in the current version of without going to the {Bonus Zone} to get all kinds of great Bonus. So you should still try to go to the {reward Zone}. And once you open the three layers of guards in front of the specific green monolith two-way near the main city, it means that the computer heroes will come one after another from the specific green monolith two-way to attack, get ready for a tough challenge! (Computers do not know how to collect {keys} before the expiration of the {keys} guards' deadline, so computers will not scurry to each other's main cities to attack each other, they will only attack human players after human players open the guards in front of the specific green monolith two-way, and no matter human players open the guards in front of the specific green monolith two-way or not, they can enter the specific green monolith two-way by going through their own color border gate + black border gate in front of their main cities, this does not require any key, and then return to the specific green monolith two-way in front of their main city after completing the Boss transformation) Destroy them! And head to the {bonus Zone} to collect the great rewards! You can collect {keys} firstly, but to open the guards in front of the specific green monolith two-way a little later--when your army has some battle power, otherwise open early, even a small boss come from the specific green monolith two-way can take down your base!

玩家用各势力如何拿钥匙进奖励区How does human player receive the key and enter the bonus Zone









{How does Red British side receive the key and enter the boss bonus Zone / player bonus Zone: Prince Edward back to London as soon as possible, open the guard at (166,184,1) to receive the key box. Then open the three guards at (163,183,1) in turn, then you can enter the specific green monolith two-way, by repeatedly pressing the space to go to ABC three Zones, when coming to the Mediterranean bonus Zone, open the fourth guard. }

{How does Blue France side receive the key and enter the boss bonus Zone / player bonus Zone: On the second day of the game,Langeron enters the portal to the left and repeatedly presses the space to jump near Moscow to rescue Ney. The latter completes the RPG for the first week and returns to Paris (it is very difficult and complex, and can search for Homm3 Atlantic France walkthrough on the youtube. Introduction to the video for the first week of France). Open the guard at (50,69,1) and collect the key box. Open the three guards at (51,68,1) one by one to enter the specific green monolith two-way. Press the space repeatedly to access the three Zones of ABC. When you reach the Mediterranean reward Zone, open the fourth guard. }

{How does tan Austia side receive the key and enter the boss bonus Zone / player bonus Zone: At the beginning, Franz returned to Vienna as soon as possible and passed through the Vienna Bridge (152,140,0), heading north to (150,136,1). Open the guard at (149,133,0) and collect the key box. Open the three guards at (150,138,1) one by one to enter the specific green monolith two-way. Press the space repeatedly to access the three Zones of ABC. When you reach the Mediterranean reward Zone, open the fourth guard }

{How does green Russia side receive the key and enter the boss bonus Zone / player bonus Zone: At the beginning, Suvorov returned to St. Petersburg as soon as possible from (246,1,0) to the underground and opened (248,2,1). Open the guard at (249,4,1) again and step one grid to south to retrieve the key box. From the left side of the Moscow gate, go underground and open the three guards at (243,51,1) to enter the specific green monolith two-way. Press the space repeatedly to access the ABC three Zones. When you reach the Mediterranean reward Zone, open the fourth guard. }

{How does orange Spain side receive the key and enter the boss bonus Zone / player bonus Zone: At the beginning, Saint Martin crossed the Mediterranean as soon as possible and landed on the coast of Barcelona. Open the guard at (21218,0) again and step one grid upper right to retrieve the key box. Open the three guards near Seville (243,204,1) to enter the specific green monolith two-way. Press the space repeatedly to access the three Zones of ABC. When you reach the Mediterranean reward Zone, open the fourth guard.}

{ How does purple south america side receive the key and enter the boss bonus Zone / player bonus Zone: On the second day of the game, Miranda opened the guard to the left and entered the portal of (249,164,1). the open the guard of (65,55,1) and headed northeast to (77,51,1). After reaching the surface, kill the Ghost Dragon and headed north. Fight a two-month guerrilla campaign in this Zone to the north, accumulating creatures(symbolizing Miranda's participation in the French Revolution during this period and becoming a French division commander on the North Rhine front), When the strength allows, step on the event of (86, 29,0) then to open the guard of (87,29,0), and then open the guard of (87,27,0) to receive the key box on the left one step . This actually completes the RPG of the purple early plot. And by the way, you can return to Buenos Aires and open the three guards at (222,240,1) to enter the specific green monolith two-way. By repeatedly pressing the space, you can access the three Zones of ABC. When you reach the Mediterranean reward Zone, open the fourth guard. }

{ How does teal north america side receive the key and enter the boss bonus Zone / player bonus Zone: At the beginning, Connor visited Pegasus and boarded the ship (101,187,1). Open the guard at (105,187,1) to collect the key box. Open the three guards at (78,200,1) again to enter the specific green monolith two-way. Press the space repeatedly to access the three Zones of ABC. When you reach the Mediterranean reward Zone, open the fourth guard.}

{ How does pink sweden side receive the key and enter the boss bonus Zone / player bonus Zone: At the beginning, Fersen opened (42,89,1), then opened the guards of (41,87,1) and picked up the keybox to the left. Open the three guards on the surface of the Stockholm sea (181,7,0) again, and you can enter the specific green monolith two-way from land (179,6,0). Press the space repeatedly to access the three Zones of ABC. When you reach the Mediterranean reward Zone, open the fourth guard.} Tip: SoD_Sp patch powerful multi-functional Alt key: while holding down the Alt key of the keyboard, and then right click on the following various objects, it will allow you to anticipate the specific content of the corresponding object, and then you will clearly see object‘s information and content, SoD_Sp patch powerful multi-functional Alt key: while holding down the Alt key of the keyboard, and then right click on the map objects, it will allow you to anticipate the specific content of the corresponding object, and then you will clearly see object‘s information and content, It can be used to easily distinguish between the different bonus contained in the many similar looking huts in the reward Zone! SoD_Sp patch's powerful Find Objects feature: Press Ctrl+F and check the button in the pop-up panel to select any type of object and search for its location in the map!